An ACFW (and everyday) verse.

This weekend I’m at the amazing American Christian Fiction Writers Conference. It’s one of my favorite times of year. So I don’t have a full blog post today, BUT someone pointed this verse out to me recently…and it just feels perfect for this weekend, for this season in my life…and for every day. I hope it encourages you, too! What work …

Itsy Bitsy Blog Break

Hey folks, I’m taking a mini blog break today and Monday. Why? Because I’m making an attempt at hiding away from the internet while digging into revisions on Here to Stay. So if you see me on Facebook or Twitter, especially Saturday or Sunday, digitally pinch me or something, all right?I’ll be back Wednesday with something fabulous. I’m not sure …

Classic Cinephiles Take #5: Clark & Claudette & Capra, oh my!

Here’s the thing: I totally owe Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert and especially Frank Capra a massive “thanks a bunch.” Why? Because they pretty much paved the way for my writing career. I currently write rom-com, after all. And Capra’s  It Happened One Night is generally considered Hollywood’s first romantic comedy. Both Gable and Colbert might have had misgivings about starring in what …

Classic Cinephiles Take #4 … and Hitchcock makes an appearance!

…well, I mean, no Hitchcock doesn’t have a mysterious cameo in this week’s Classic Cinephiles video like he used to in his movies. That would be creepy. And kinda cool. But mostly creepy.However, Clay Morgan and I are taking on Alfred Hitchock this week. Specifically, a certain Hitchcock flick I wasn’t previously all that familiar with.  Suspicion stars Cary Grant and JeanJoan …

Classic Cinephiles Take #3: Greatest musical of all time?

Sometimes in life you’re faced with crazy hard questions. Like, if you could only listen to one Coldplay album for the rest of your life, which would you pick?  I’ve never actually had to make this decision, but for the record, it’d come down to Rush of Blood to the Head or Mylo Xyloto…or wait, Viva La Vida too…but life …

Classic Cinephiles Take #2: Funniest movie ever?

First, storytime: So I am the oldest of four kids. And as such, at times I am used to be a little bossy and know-it-all-ish. One such time occurred when my parents were gone and us kids were home and charged with loading the dishwasher.* On this day we couldn’t find the actual dishwasher soap. I told my siblings it didn’t matter. …

Classic Cinephiles Take #1

I love old movies, right? Like, if I were to parody this timeless video (remember the eHarmony cat lady?), I’d gush about old movies in place of cats.  Well, my friend and fellow author Clay Morgan also loves classic movies. I’m not sure, but he might even spend as much time Wikipedia/IMDb-ing movie faves as I do. So OF COURSE …

Where I’m at and what’s up next week.

I’m hanging out with my over-the-top cool family today…everybody’s here! My sister and bro-in-law and Ollie from Kansas. My brother from New Jersey. Moi…AND this sister who’s getting married tomorrow!! —>Yeah, Nicole’s actually a lot older than this now. We don’t really believe in marrying off babies in our family. I just NEVER get tired of that photo.The guy she’s marrying …