Deadline. Devo. News!

Stay tuned for fun news at the end of this post… Two of the prettiest words in the English language.Photo credit: stock.xchng I’m on deadline. And that means I’m doing things like buying new socks so I don’t actually have to do laundry. Eating peanut butter straight out of the jar. And trying to convince myself sleep isn’t really all …

Why faith is a little like rom-com.

So, I write romantic comedy, right? It took me awhile to embrace this. Mostly ’cause for awhile I was convinced I totally had the Ted Dekker vibe going. Then I read what I’d written. And decided I should probably be the last person to read it.  But once I sorta found my writing feet and discovered my voice, rom-com was …

Proverbs 31. Yup. Going There.

This is a field. Totally kind of relevant to the post.Photo credit: stock.xchng So, my coworker Denise—who is above all, fabulously fun to work with—told the funniest story in the office yesterday. She made a great meal for her husband the night before and in an attempt to pay her a compliment, her husband said, “Denise, you are a Psalm …

When to make up your mind about people.

So a friend and I were talking about old movies this week…which is pretty normal if you know me. I mean, if we’re friends for more than five minutes, probably at some point in the next five we’ll talk about the merits of studio-era Hollywood. Didn’t always treat their actors so well, but man, they made good movies. And anyway, …

Authenticity Cary Grant-style.

Possibly my favorite Cary Grant role: David in Bringing Up Baby. Although I might like him even better in His Girl Friday. But who can forget The Philadelphia Story? Or Charade? Or That Touch of Mink? Or…fine, I’ll stop. The truth is, I’m kind of a nerd when it comes to old movies. And by “kind of” I mean “really” …

The cross.

How does a person, a writer even, find the right words for Good Friday?Or do we even need words?Because, really, the cross says it all. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you. Photo credit: stock.xchng ***** p.s. I will be taking an Easter holiday mini-blog break on Monday. I hope you have a blessed Easter, celebrating Christ’s Resurrection! See you back here on …

Fried on a Friday.

Sleepy SlothThis is one of my favorite photos I’ve ever taken, and I’m sure I’ve posted it on here before.But it is exactly how I want to spend my weekend–completely konked out. 🙂  It’s been…a week. And today I’ve got…nothing. It’s true. So many weeks it gets to Thursday and the perfect blog topic for Friday falls in my lap.* …

Decisions on decisions.

Ever felt tripped up by choices? I have. Like, this week. Like, too many decisions staring me in the face at once…to the point that I freaked out a little trying to choose what to wear to work the other day. I might’ve ended up wearing a sweater I usually wear to bed. Pretty sure no one noticed…pretty sure. But …

Zombies and humans and love.

So on Monday I posted a reviewish blog on the movie Warm Bodies…which I loved…which is, yes, a zombie movie. And also a rom-com…one of the best in years, in my Roger Eberty opinion. I noted in that post all the things I loved about this movie–the humor, the romance, the story–but it’s the metaphor of the movie that stuck …

Next vs. Now

I read this the other day: If you try to carry tomorrow’s burdens today, you will stagger under the load and eventually fall flat. You must discipline yourself to live within the boundaries of today. It is in the present moment that I walk close to you.   ~Jesus Calling, p. 60, emphasis mine And I immediately thought this: Anybody …