When your dream turns into an angsty teenage girl

I like to think I wasn’t that difficult of a teenager. In my memory, I was an over-achieving goody-two-shoes with weird style, yes, but more love for books than trouble-making. I did get grounded once. The bad, bad thing I did to earn the grounding is this: Some friends and I told our parents we were going to a nearby …

What if burnout isn’t always a bad thing?

So I was talking with a friend recently about productivity and sleep. And how sometimes they feel mutually exclusive. In fact, here’s some of the conversation pasted straight from facebook. (And no, this is not my lazy version of writing a blog post. Or okay, fine, maybe that’s exactly what it is.) My friend: So I can either get sleep …

Super fun Friday news…more books!

On the Friday before Christmas I received some happy news that I’ve been impatient to share. Impatient like Jack Bauer in an interrogation room with a tight-lipped terrorist. Only I’m not that violent or angry and there’s no bright overhead light and overall, this is just a much happier scenario.* Anyway, I couldn’t share until I’d dotted all the i’s …

How writing a book is the same thing as shopping for a swimsuit

It’s really true: Writing a book and shopping for a swimsuit are the SAME thing. That is, unless you’re a guy. In which case you have it way too easy when it comes to swimsuits. If you’re a male writer, you’ll just have to find a different metaphor for your writing woes. Sorry. But anyway, here’s how writing a book …

Resolutions for Writers (+ a good word + maybe I don’t need a plan)

There’s been a fun trend in past years, especially around the blogosphere, of shirking New Year’s Resolutions in favor of “One Word” to focus on in the coming year. That’s cool. Many people pick a Bible verse to go along with their word and make special effort to grow in that area in their life. That kind of thing. I …

The one thing you should never, ever say to a writer.

So, last week I got a review I was pretty excited about for my book. I might have squealed a little when I read it. I told a few people. And one person’s response went a little (or exactly) like this: “Oh cool. So you got almost as many stars as you could have.”  Yup. 🙂 To be fair, I …

The day everything and nothing changed.

One year ago yesterday (July 25), I received that phone call aspiring authors dream about. You know, the one you play out in your head and imagine all your responses to. And then it comes…and instead of crying or happy-dancing or screaming, you mouth the words “Holy crap” and then very calmly say, “Are you serious?” You even leave out …

How being a writer is like being a superhero

Well, since we’re talking superheroes today, of course I have to include this photo of myfavorite superhero…my nephew. I get to see Ollie in 17 days…not that I’m counting or anything. 🙂 I was never all that big into superhero movies…that is, until my sister married a guy who likes comics. And together, they double-teamed me until I gave in …

The perils of solitude. Based on actual events.

…about the ridiculousness of this post.photo credit: stock.xchng Two weeks ago today I embarked on a slightly insane mission called “Melissa spends an entire week writing and doesn’t leave her house.” Now, here’s the thing: We’ve never really been able to figure out whether I’m an introvert or extrovert. And by we I mean me and every personality test I’ve …