Why I *really* love Logan (plus a giveaway!)

Yeah, this post was bound to happen sooner or later. ‘Cause, you know, why wouldn’t I write a post about how and why I fell in love with my own fictional character?

And it’s release day for Like Never Before, so the timing is perfect!!


Here’s the thing: If you’ve heard me talk about Logan Walker, the hero of Like Never Before, then you know my love for this character goes beyond your normal author-who-understandably-likes-the-characters-she’s-created. It’s, hmm, shall we say…kinda ridiculous.

Now, some might think I love Logan because the cover model portraying him on the front of the book—what little you can see of him anyway—is just perfection. And that’s a tiny bit true. I mean, you guys, the crinkly eyes…

But my Logan love started long before I ever saw that cover.

And it started with one little line. We’ll get to that in a sec.


When I was in college, I spent a semester in London. To this day, I look back on it as one of the most amazing seasons of my life. I lived right in the heart of the city–literally a couple blocks from Buckingham Palace and a seven- or eight-minute walk from Westminster Abbey, Parliament, the Thames River…

[Tangent! Can I take a quick timeout here to say: If you’re reading this and you’re a college student or a high school student thinking about college, please, please, please consider studying abroad! It is eye-opening and independence-building and perspective-rearranging. It’s awesome! And if it feels impossible financially, trust me, you’re talking to a girl who probably had all of a couple hundred dollars to her name when she first starting thinking about going to London. If God means it to happen, he’ll bring in the funds. He did for me through two summer jobs, generous family members and, no joke, a check for $400 sent to me from my college finance office. When I called the office to ask why, no one had a clue. They couldn’t figure out where it came from, they just knew it was mine.]

So anyway, I studied abroad in London and it was great. And while I was there, I attended a church called Westminster Chapel and met some of the coolest people in. the. world. Here are just a few of those friends:

PicMonkey Collage

The left photo makes me happy because of its randomness. The right photo makes me happy because you can almost see my awesome red vintage Nikes that have been all over the place with me…which I still have, ripped soles and everything. Both photos make me happy because I LOVE the people in them.

One Sunday while at this church, I was sitting in the hardwood pew on the right side of the sanctuary (We always sat on the right side. I’ve no idea why.) and the pastor told us to partner up with someone next to us and pray for each other.

And the friend who prayed for me…you guys…his prayer made my heart jolt. Because he prayed about something I’d never voiced to him…possibly not anyone. I’m not exactly Miss Vulnerability most of the time. But he’d sensed something in me. He’d been listening even when I wasn’t talking. He knew what I needed to hear–in that prayer, from him, from God. 

It was one of those moments you seriously never forget. I remember opening my eyes afterward and being embarrassed at my tears and him saying, “Sorry, was that weird?” And then us laughing until we realized others around were still praying.


So there’s this moment in Like Never Before where Logan (!!!!) (<–sorry, I just get very exclamation pointy when I talk about Logan) and Amelia are at the Smithsonian checking out Charles Lindbergh’s and Amelia Earhart’s planes. Amelia’s a bit of a history nerd, especially where famous aviators are concerned…especially when she shares a first name.

So they’re checking out these planes and Amelia is talking about what it would’ve been like to be at Le Bourget Field in Paris in 1927, especially what it would’ve been like to be a man named Harry Wheeler who the crowd of 150,000 mistook as Lindbergh. (It’s a true story–you can Google it OR you know, buy my book and check out the Author’s Note at the end. LOL!) 

And I won’t go into the whole conversation and maybe this doesn’t even make sense without more to frame it, but bottom line, Logan says something to Amelia in this conversation. One line. And it’s the line that made me love him more than any character I’ve ever written:

“When you really let people see you, Amelia–all of you, not just the snow-obsessed reporter–it’s impossible to look away.”

I knooooow. It’s totally an “awwww” line. But it’s not actually the line itself that made my heart flutter. It’s the fact that in this conversation about a historic plane landing, Logan sensed a desire in Amelia she didn’t even voice. A desire to be seen…and known…and recognized.

He listened to what she wasn’t saying.

And then he had the courage to say the words he knew she needed to hear.


I am not always good at saying words people need to hear. I am okay at writing them. But I find it hard to say them.

And sometimes listening is a struggle. My mind moves too sporadically. It settles for surface appearances rather than patience and depth of understanding. 

When my friend in London prayed for me, he saw past the surface. He heard what I didn’t say.

When Logan says that line in that scene in the middle of Like Never Before, the one that made my heart melt, he’s responding to a need, a desire Amelia never even put into words. 

That is how I want to be. Someone who listens deeply and then speaks purposely.

And that, my friends, is why I really love Logan. 

And, well, because of the crinkly eyes… 

Thanks so much for putting up with my Logan love, folks! To celebrate the release of Like Never Before, I’m going to give away a copy + a $25 VISA gift card to a random lucky duck. Happy entering! 🙂

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    Comments 237

    1. The person who impacted my life the most is my husband. He is the most leveled headed and intelligent person I have ever met and has helped me in life more than anyone.

    2. One of my biggest fictional crushes is Mr. Knightley from Emma. I love how well he knows Emma and how he pushes her to be a better person by being the only one who’s completely honest with her.

    3. Awww, this post is so sweet, and I love it. And I love Logan. That was what I loved about him too. He’s an amazing character all the way around. 😀

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    4. Awww. I love this post. Thanks for sharing! God’s so wonderful in so many ways, but when He makes things happen when you’re not even sure it’s possible, it’s amazing to witness.

      My all time crush was Mr. Darcy. And then whichever book I’m reading…there’s one. Lol. Recently Reese from Pepper Basham’s A Twist of Faith or Brice from Roseanna White’s The Reluctant Duchess all are swoon-worthy!

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    5. My crush was Charlton Heston from The Ten Commandments (I know it’s a movie, not a book). But that movie impacted my life and to this day I can watch it over and over again. This shows my age, but that’s okay I am thankful to be alive!

    6. I seem to fall in love with all the characters when I am reading… I feel like I step into their world and walk thru each chapter with them ♡

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    7. Oh , I love this post, Melissa! What a wonderful experience.
      I tend to crush on the characters that remind me of my husband, strong silent types. The guys who show their love with their actions and have that deeper level of understanding just for their lady. Facial hair and swoony accents push me right over the edge. I love a manly man 🙂

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    8. I loved reading this, Melissa! 🙂

      Hmmm, my fictional crush? That’s pretty easy. Archie Kennedy (from the Horatio Hornblower movies) was my first fictional love. In fact, I just wrote a post about how much I love him…so this was kind of ironic. ;-P I love how he’s vulnerable and strong at the same time; how he’s willing to do anything for his friends; and his blue eyes, of course.

      (Also there’s John-boy Walton. There will always be John-boy Walton. 🙂

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        Hehehe this makes me so happy! I went through a phase of basically being obsessed with the Waltons. But should I admit I’ve never seen a Horatio Hornblower movie?!

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    9. My daughter is reading this book screaming curse you Melissa Tagg, You made me fall in love with Logan! Lol.
      Now I want it to read it for myself and see what is My Daughter screaming for. You know a Mom has to protect their daughters. Lol

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        Haaaaaa! Yes, I love it!! I would say that I’m sorry you have to put up with your daughter’s screaming but that would be lying because hearing she’s fallen in love with Logan makes me so happy. lol!

    10. My fictional crush? Oh my, there are SO many of them – – Jamie Fraser from Outlander (*sigh*), Zach Aubrey from Playing for Love at Deep Haven by Katy Regnery, Stratton English from Seduced by Stratton (again by Katy Regnery), and many, many more…… 🙂

    11. I am on your “Tagg Team”, so am not entering the giveaway (but shared it), but your favorite quote mentioned above, was the one I used in my review. It was just the right line at the just the right time spoken by just the right person. It thrills me that I felt the pulse of your story in that kind of way. I am going to look to a picture to “meme” it.

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    12. I love this so much. I love it, because you are that person who listens deeply and then says what needs to be said. I’ve witnessed it countless times, Melissa. I love hearing your heart in this post. I also love that Charles Lindbergh found a home in your story. I’m just all full of love today! 🙂 Congrats, my friend.

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        Oh, thank you for saying that, Gabe. It’s honestly not something I feel is a strength of mine, but any time I am around someone who does listen well and then speak so intentionally, it makes me want to be more and more that way.

        And thank YOU for inspiring so much of the Lindbergh angle in this one!!

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    13. The person who most influences me is my husband. He sees me like I don’t see myself and calls me to that higher view.

    14. My book crush would be Mr. Darcy. He was the first romantic man that I read and I haven’t found anyone else like him.
      But the person who has impacted my life the most and for the best has been my husband. I met him right after I turned 15 so he jokes that he raised me. All joking aside, he’s been the best influence on my life and I love him dearly.

    15. I can’t say I have been in love with a fictional character but I really like Logan from the Baxter family books by Karen Kingsbury. Oh and Paul Falcon from Dee Henderson’s Full Disclosure!

    16. I loved this book Melissa! I can totally see why Logan is your fictional crush! As for myself, I don’t really have a fictional crush that I can recall.

      The person who impacted my life the most, though, is not just one person. It’s a group of ladies that stepped in my life at a young age, right after my parents got a divorce and became my “moms.” I wouldn’t be who I am today without them and I’m so grateful God gave them to me.

      Thanks for the giveaway!

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        Yay I’m so glad you loved the book, Shannah.

        And that sounds like an incredibly special group of women. Whenever I hear about women like that, it makes me want to open up my eyes to the girls around me who might need someone to step into their life…it’s inspiring to hear about!

    17. My fictional crush would be Remko from The Choosing. He was so sweet and innocent and reserved in the first book, with his stuttering. I just wanted to reach through the pages and hug him as hard as I could!!

    18. My fictional crush is Todd Spencer from Robin Jones Gunn ‘ s Christy Miller series. I fell in love with those books as a teen and prayed for my own Todd Spencer. Luckily, I ended up with a different version, but I couldn’t imagine my life without my supportive, music loving Jesus Freak. Congratulations on your new book, Melissa!

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    19. Both of my crushes were already mentioned, but I am going to say them again, Knightly from Jane Austen’s Emma is big one, as well as Gilbert Blythe from Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery. I fell in love with Gilbert as a young teen, as I read Anne of Green Gables so many times that my copy of the book is literally falling apart. Gilbert is a bit of a tease and lots of fun! Knighly came later when I was in high school and I decided I wanted to give Jane Austen’s novels a go. He is always just so patient and kind and I love it. 🙂

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    20. My crush changes but right now it’s Gray from Becky Wade’s upcoming release Her One and Only. Congrats on your release!

    21. I too spent time in college away on my own! I did an internship on the other side of the country. It wasn’t the same as Europe, but it was a long way from home and it too changed me so much! It was the highlight for me as well! I didn’t know how it would work out either with the money situation and I had a current job. But you know what? My boss loved the idea and gave me time off of work AND I came back to having money I didn’t know I had. I still don’t know how that worked out except to believe that it was GOD! 🙂
      A fictional crush…I love the guys in the Rachel Hauck Royal series. Who wouldn’t fall in love with a Prince like that?

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        Oh that’s so cool to hear, Chelle! That whole “leaving home, going out on your own, leaving everything you know” thing…it’s just hugely life-changing at that stage in life. So glad you got to have a cool experience like that!

    22. Congratulations on your book’s release. I enjoy your excitement. I have mild fictional crushes on Jim Micah from Flee the Night and Joe Michaels from Happily Ever After, both by Susan May Warren. I also think your Seth Walker and Colton (drats, I forgot his last name) were people it would be nice to know in real life.

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        Seth!!! I love him in part because his story came to me almost easier than anything I’ve ever written.

        And Colton…Colton was the source of so much angst in my life. LOL! I do not know why I had so much trouble writing his story, but I think God might’ve worked more in my heart writing that book than all the rest. Which is reason enough for me to love him. 🙂

    23. I don’t think I have a fictional “crush” – depends on what I’m reading. However, when I was a young teacher I had a wonderful teacher friend who took me under her wing and mentored me in teaching and in life. I was so blessed to have a Christian co-worker like her to help me navigate through so many firsts!!

    24. Mr. Darcy would be my all time fictional crush. I have literally read the book about 25 times and fall in love more and more.

    25. Love this! And I love how you shared your heart. Isn’t it fabulous how God puts people in our lives throughout to help shape us?! And now you’re sharing and gifting to others.

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    26. I can’t WAIT to read this book, Melissa!!!! <3 My fictional crush is hands down, unashamedly…. Captain America. But I also SUPER adore Blake Hunziker from your book "Here To Stay"…. my gosh, his wit is amazing AND he's super handsome AND he's kind, caring, and just… just… ahhh!!! 😀 I can't wait to meet Logan and fall into major adoration over him, too!!! 😉 <3 <3 <3

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        Captain America!! Okay, so can I confess: I actually wasn’t the hugest fan after the first movie. I don’t know why. I liked the movie but for whatever reason, it just sorta fell flat for me. But then I saw Winter Soldier…and oh. my. goodness. I might’ve gotten a wee bit obsessed!!

        YAY I love that you love Blake. That is too fun. He’s possibly the most quirky fun I’ve ever had with a character. I should tell you, the book I’m writing now…it’s Beckett’s story and Beckett shares a LOT of similarities with Blake. They have some definite differences, but I think their humor is similar. 🙂

        1. I totally understand what you mean about not liking the first movie!! I was the same way! A bunch of my friends were huge fans of it, and I kept watching the trailers for it and thinking, “This looks so boring…” But then I saw the first Avengers movie, and I basically fell head over heels. 😉 And…I’m not sure how…but he keeps getting even more handsome (is that even grammatically correct? LOL) with every movie!!!! Ahhhh, I’m a wee bit obsessed with you!! 😉

          Oh my gosh!! My heart just did a little skip. The best thing you could tell me is that Beckett is a lot like Blake!! *heart eyes* I seriously can’t emphasize enough how much I love him!!! I can’t WAIT to swoon over Beckett too!!!!! <3 <3 <3 😀

    27. I have to admit, when I started reading this post, I thought you were talking about tv character love. Lol. Different Logan!
      Can’t wait to read Like Never Before (which reminds me of my music geek insta-song crush which is 10,000 Reasons–Bless the Lord). Thanks, Melissa!

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        Haha! Did you think I was talking about Logan from Gilmore Girls? People often do. 🙂 (Which, gotta admit, is funny because I’m not a huge fan of Logan on Gilmore Girls…but I looooove my Logan. )

    28. There are way too many people who have impacted me, but I suppose one that stands out is my old roommate, who saw me at my worst and gave me encouragement even when I felt like I didn’t deserve it. It was the kindest showing of love and truth and grace.

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    29. I think it depends on what book I am reading at the moment although I LOVED My Stubborn Heart by Becky Wade!!!

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    30. The closest thing I have to a fictional crush is Mr. Knightly from Emma. He reminds me so much of my husband, so I’ve got a tremendous soft spot for him!

      My husband has also had one of the biggest impacts on my life. I’ve known him since we were kids, and he was always the friend who would tell me what I needed to hear, whether it was a word of encouragement, or letting me know that I’d messed up. 🙂

    31. I always enjoy your posts. They are fun, real and honest. I think the need to “be truly seen” resonates with a lot of people. There is a saying, “People listen to respond not to hear.” That is painfully true. We all need to try to really listen and see the people around us.

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    32. My fictional crush fluctuates with whatever book I am reading, for the most part. But recently I’ve been kind of stuck on Amy Matayo’s Cameron from The End of the World.

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    33. I can’t really put my finger on the answer to this question so I’ll just tell you how fun it is to read your blog posts and your books!! 🙂

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    34. I CAN’T WAIT!!!!! Oh man, Melissa!! I love your books so much, and I love that I know an author…like, seriously, I might brag about it sometimes when I tell people about your books…and I can’t wait to read this, and I just want it to hurry up and get here (however, since I have 2 very busy weeks on hand, it’s probably better that it’s not supposed to arrive till next week). I loved your blog today, too! You are definitely someone I really look up to, and I love when you share you honest heart. You inspire and encourage me to constantly grow in my faith, even when it’s hard. Thanks for being you!!!

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    35. Congratulations on your book release and I just love your enthusiasm and that quote. I would have to say the person who influenced my life the most would be my senior pastor he believed in me before I believed in myself.

    36. There are so many crush-worthy fictional fellas in Christian fiction it’s seriously difficult to pick just one! It’s often whatever I’m reading at the time… like Zac Callahan in The Goodbye Bride! Several good ones ones have already been mentioned! And I, too, would put Mr. Darcy on that list! Looking forward to meeting Logan! Thanks for the giveaway!

    37. I have two people who have impacted my life. My mom is awesome and she has really taught me a lot. In addition, my professor from college, Dr. Lindholm not only taught me so many things related to communication but also taught me about Jesus 🙂

    38. I’d have to say….my crush is my husband. He’s a great man of faith and can see the good in anyone…including myself. I learn from his example. Before we started dating I was involved in a failed relationship and really lost trust in people. He had to remind me that he was a totally different person than my ex and that I should know it was ok to open my heart and trust in him. I’m so blessed we had that conversation. As his wife I often look back on that and know that I am blessed we are walking through our years, emotionally, spiritually, physically together!

    39. I loved this post 🙂 I think everyone should experience a moment like that—when someone taps into God’s frequency and speaks His message not to your head, but directly into your heart. That’s why it resonates so deeply, leaving an impression that never fades away. Thankful today for my forever-crush, my husband, for always speaking into my soul. 🙂

    40. I can’t believe how many people have already posted here, when it’s only 8:30 am in California! 🙂 Anyway, I’m with the bunch who have a crush on someone from nearly every book they read 🙂 If I don’t like any of the male characters in a book, I probably won’t like the book.

      Looking forward to reading about Logan!

    41. My hubby is my only crush. My mama has impacted my life with her never ending love and her FAITH and perseverance in the storms of life.

    42. My fictional crush might have to be Marcus from the Mark of the Lion series, but I certainly get a little swoony for Mr. Knightley and Mr. Darcy too.
      Thanks for sharing this behind-the-scenes look. I love how much you love Logan!

    43. I am always falling in love with fictional characters! One of my all-time favorites is a hero named Hunter. He’s a tortured guy, a vulnerable alpha male…irresistible! I also love cop heroes. Of course my heroes always take a little piece of my heart.

    44. Melissa, you are to stinking cute!! Hmm, my favorite fictional hero? Well, this may seem so cliche, but I’ll go with Mr. Darcy. I also love Mr. Rochester too. 🙂 Congrats on launch day!!

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        Haha, I don’t think it’s cliche! It’s just good taste. 🙂 I really like Mr. Rochester, too. I always feel like he’s a little overlooked. He’s flawed, but vulnerable, but great!!

    45. I have learn a lot from fictional characters which fuels my love of reading. I would have to say that an influential person I remember is a neighbor who was always giving and was so selfless. I always wanted to be more like her

    46. My high school daughter is already planning to study aboard for a semester. She wants to go to London. She is working hard in her AP and dual enrollment classes to get enough college credits to cover the semester.

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    47. I’m not sure I could pick a favorite. Jane Austen wrote some pretty amazing male leads. Really, any male character that is confident and treats his lady like the treasure he knows she is melts my heart.

    48. For a fictional “crush”, it would be the hero in the current book I’m reading! Seriously, there are too many to name 🙂
      Movie wise, John Thorton from “North and South”….I mean wowser!

      Great post, loved reading it. Thank you for the giveaway chance!

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    49. My “book crush” depends on which book I’m reading. There are so many amazing books nowadays with awesome characters. Thanks to all the authors who share their talents. And congrats to Melissa on her new book release. I haven’t read it yet but look forward to it.

    50. My favorite fictional character would probably have to be… Elizabeth Bennet. I know, old school, but I absolutely love her. 🙂

    51. This is quite perhaps my favorite line in the whole book–and the story/faith behind it you shared here? Thank you. Thank you for writing vulnerable, weaving such things as this incredibly meaningful line into the romances and the adventures your characters go on. SO so many are blessed by your words–here and in your paperbacks.

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    52. The person who impacted my life the most was my father. He was a gentle, kind and loving man who loved God with all his heart. He taught me how to be kind and loving to people also and that has made my life so much better.

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    53. I have had lots of fictional crushes. I want to share how someone impacted my life. When I was a little girl, lots of not so great things were happening in my life. I walked away from the place I was living, (I was 7 at the time) very upset, crying. I didn’t talk about my feelings to anyone and crying was not something I did in front of anyone. Anyway, as I was walking, a stranger came out of the yard I was walking past, he looked like a college student, I lived in a college town, and started walking with me, then invited me to the back yard with him to talk. I went, scary stupid I know, but as he was talking to me about how things would not always be this way and even though I would have more hard times in my life, I would never be alone. Everything went silent, except for the sound of his voice, I didn’t hear the leaves on the trees or the creek along side the road, I didn’t even hear my family yelling my name. He said comforting things and talked about things that I had never told anyone. I stopped crying and listened, I felt safe. I felt better. I don’t know how much time passed but soon I could hear the sounds around me coming back into focus. I told him I had to go home, he said goodbye and he would talk to me again if I needed him. I remember running back to the house, getting in trouble for leaving because everyone was waiting for me.
      I never knew his name, and could not find the yard he came out of and I knew the neighborhood well, he had probably the greatest impact on my life because the words he said to me made the circumstances that I was living in, livable. I felt that comfort many times over the years and have come to believe he was an angel on earth. I thought I saw him a few times, in the distance, then I would look closer and he would be gone.

      I know, not quite the same as your love of Logan, but sometimes people can say things that hurt really deep, and sometimes words are spoken to our hearts from the mouths of people but in the voice of God.

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    54. The person who has impacted me the most is my Grandfather who is no longer alive. He was a great Christian man who was nice to everyone. He loved and respected his wife and taught me what being a Christian is.

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    55. My fictional boyfriend…. Samuel Yates from Running Barefoot by Amy Harmon. There is a scene when he washes Josie’s hair. I just love it!

    56. The person who has had the greatest impact on my life is my husband, Ken Perry. Ken is my best friend, my husband and the love of my life. He is the most determined, hardworking and thoughtful person you will meet, and he displays those qualities in everything he does. — Unfortunately he is fighting stage 4 Glioblastoma brain cancer so every day we still have together is a blessing from God. — Thank you for the awesome giveaway opportunity, Melissa . . . and congrats on the new release!! God bless you, Girl!

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    57. My biggest real-life crush and hero is my husband. He is so good to me and I’m blessed to be his wife.
      Fictionally? Logan Walker, what a hottie! Sweet lovable guy who wants the best for his little girl. Even when he lost his cool with his father in law I was cheering him on. I really enjoyed this story. It was a pleasure to read, a real treat! I want to see Logan a few years down the road so I hope the last book in the series will have a nice, long Epilogue.

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        Awwww yay!! So that moment when Logan loses it with his father-in-law…I struggled SO much to decide whether he should actually do what he did or not. Finally, I was like, okay…the poor man is feeling so lost…and wounded…and desperate…so it makes sense that he would do something like that, just totally out of character. My heart broke for him in that moment…

        FYI Logan comes back in the next book!! And he has a surprise when it opens… 😀

    58. I can’t wait to read this. I just finished reading “From the Start” and loved it!! I thought Colton sounded pretty dreamy!!

    59. Gilbert Blythe has always been a special crush for me, from Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery! And Shiloh Irons from the Cheney Duvall, M.D. series by Lynn Morris!

    60. My fictional crush is almost everyone of the guys (unless they are bad/evil) in all the books I read. My first fictional crush was Luke Sullivan in the Charmed Life Series by Jenny B Jones. He starts off kind of annoying but is always there to save the day :).

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    61. I like all of the fectional guys(good guys only!) from the books I have read.Right now the man in the book is named Wesley and he’s handsome ,kind,and smart.

    62. I always end up with book crushes. But the best part of finishing a book with the girl ending up with Mr.Right is always being reminded that God gave me Mr. Right when I didn’t even see it at the time. Looking back, it’s like a story that played out in real life. 🙂

    63. Congrats, Melissa!! My fictional crush is the new Superman, Henry Cavill! Well, anything he’s in actually! LOL.
      Hope Logan becomes my next crush!

    64. My fictional crush would have to be Salvatore Russo from Ronie Kendig’s FALCON!! I love pretty much every aspect of his character.

    65. Congratulations, Melissa! I can’t wait to read your new book! I loved your other stories, and I know I’ll love this one too.

    66. I love this, Melissa! And it makes me even more excited to read this book. 🙂

      My (top) fictional crush–because, let’s be honest, there’s more than one–would probably have to be Eli from the Katie Weldon series by Robin Jones Gunn. I love him because he’s a physical manifestation of the way God pursues us. He’s strong, passionate, and kind, and he doesn’t give up on the woman he loves. He’s patient, but he’s also very clear about his intentions, which I find so attractive in a world of blurred lines and undefined relationships. Makes my heart flutter just thinking that a man like Eli might exist somewhere in the real world… Now, if he had Logan’s crinkle eyes, that would put it over the top! LOL.

    67. I’m terrible at remembering names, but I can think of a number of characters who have made me swoon with aww-ness. I love when that happens. And thank you for writing some of those characters!usually those are the books that I read over and over.

    68. Honestly I fall in love with a character in each book I read, which is many, so I can’t choose! haha

    69. Okay, so my fictional “crush” has always been Beast, yes, from Beauty and the Beast! OR similar characters in any story. He just melts my heart and I want him to find happiness. 🙂 I know, it’s weird, but true.

    70. Your new book sounds amazing Melissa! I can’t wait to meet Logan in the story. My biggest fictional crush has always been Gilbert Blythe. I have “loved” him since I was a little girl.

    71. Well I crushed on one of my own fictional characters for a long time. 😉 And can I say how I love how much you adore Logan? I don’t usually read contemporary romance, but I’m going to have to check this book out to see if he lives up to the hype (which I’m sure he will). 🙂
      Anyway, I’ve been following you for a while and I think this might be my first comment ever here. So congratulations on the new book and for sharing your love of fictional characters with us!!

    72. *sigh* I know the feeling! I get way to attached to character….either mine or the ones I read about! 🙂

    73. My fictional crush is Marcus for the O’Malley Series by Dee Henderson. He reminds me of Jesus our protector. He will be there for you in a heartbeat. He does not mind staying up late or getting up early to talk. He will walk through fire for those he loves.

    74. Oh, I have WAY too many fictional crushes. I tend to like historical guys, but since you’ve made me love contemporary stories as well, I can add Logan to the list. 🙂

      I usually crush on Laura Frantz’s male leads, and I’m pretty sure that I’m not the only one who has a crush on Mr. Darcy!


    75. I can’t wait to read this book! I would say that my husband probably has the most impact on my life. We’ve been married almost 24 years, so more than half of my life. Most of my memorable experiences have been with him. <3

    76. Current fictional crush would be Jamie Reagan from Blue Bloods played by Will Estes! Cute, Harvard grad turned NYPD with a huge heart!

    77. I am an old fashion girl I love Mr. Darcy. He is my favorite. Thank you for a chance to win such a great book plus the $25 is a great bonus.

    78. I don’t think I ever really had a crush on a fictional character. I really don’t know anyone in particular who had a really hugs impact on my life, I guess I would say my dad though because I find myself repeating things he used to say often.

    79. So I can’t believe you still have those red shoes. Fictional crush? I don’t know if I’d call it that, but I really appreciated Sherlock’s quirky character in the BBC series.

    80. I don’t really have a fictional crush but there are some characters that I have enjoyed reading about. Especially if they are in a series. I like to see what they will do next.

    81. Hi, Melissa,

      I was trying to think of my first fictional crush & I guess it would have to be Almanzo Wilder from the Little House books. 🙂 Looking forward to reading your new book!

    82. Wow, Melissa, this was just like reading a wonderful devotion. Such a blessing. I love hearing your heart.

    83. I guess I really like Jack from the BOOK series by Janette Oke called When Calls The Heart. (So disappointed that the tv series is TOTALLY different than ALL the books!)

    84. I don’t crush on the guys in the books because I really have such a big crush on my husband. He has loved me and encouraged me so much and it has totally changed the way I view myself.

    85. With every book I read, I get so involved in each person and really feel I know them. I’m too old to think of most of the characters as someone I would love, but I can enjoy them in their setting.

    86. I don’t remember ever having a fictional character crush!! But, I do love to read romances and the sweetness of their lives! It’s a wonderful getaway!

    87. “When you really let people see you, Amelia–all of you, not just the snow-obsessed reporter–it’s impossible to look away.” Logan IS a gentleman, no doubt about it, and this moment!? Totally an “aww…” reaction! These two together were magic. 🙂

      Wonderful post, story and new novel, Melissa! Congrats on a FOURTH book, and despite all of the hardships this story gave you, this one is a beautiful gem. Well done. 🙂

    88. My fictional crushes is Four (Tobias Eaton) from the Divergent series. I would love to win this book. I have never read one of your books before, and I would like to start with this one.

    89. Hey, Melissa! Great blog post!! I love hearing/reading people’s stories and getting a little glimpse of your life in college and in London was really nice. Logan sounds like an awesome character and I can’t wait to read your new book.

      My first fictional crush was Peter Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia. I loved watching the movies and when I finally read the books, I loved the characters and the land of Narnia even more. 🙂

    90. I read so many books that my crush is usually the current one I’m reading.
      I “fell” for Reese in Pepper Basham’s newest release, A Twist of Faith.

    91. The person that has impacted my life the most is my husband.We just celebrated our 38 year anniversary.I have a chronic illness and he has helped me so much through it.He lets me be me,sometimes he has to put up with a not so good me(when I am dealing with pain).He loves me just the way I am.

    92. McGyver is my favorite fictional character. He’s always could figure out how to get out of a tough situation without violence.

    93. My all-time favorite fictional hero is the dashing Edmund Dantes from The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. This story has it all – betrayal, struggle, determination, deep love, great pain, forgiveness. I experienced tears, disappointment, joy, & victory. How was it possible to put all into one story was beyond me?!!! Writers who have such emotion in their books get to me every time!!! Keep writing, please!

    94. Ooh, too many fictional crushes to count! I guess one of my first crushes would have to be Anakin Solo from the Star Wars novels. He’s no longer cannon though with the new movie. *Sighs* Oh, well… 😉

    95. The person that has impacted my life the most is my Navy Husband Who has managed 21 + years serving our Country, Wether on long deployments or spending time with our 8 Children and I, He always remains Humble and never accepts being honored for what he loves most his Country and his Family…. He is a great example of how life to live is. He always continues to amaze me. And watching several of our Children to follow his path in Military careers shows what a great example he has been to his Children.

    96. My husband and my mother in law. We have been through some pretty hard stuff with my parents from the time we decided to yet married. He’s been amazing to me and supportive , encouraging, and he always prays with me when I need it and it gets hard. He’s been with me through all of it and I’m just so thankful that God brought him to me. He’s everything I prayed for and more! My mother in law has also helped me through that difficult time and she has been more of a mom to me than my own mom and has become my best friend next to God and my husband. We will have been married a whole year on the 11th and we have a beautiful 2 month old daughter now and it’s amazing to see how much God had blessed us! I’m just so thankful to God for bringing me through that and giving me my amazing husband and our beautiful daughter:) God bless you! Your story encouraged me so much! Thank you for sharing!

    97. One of the people who has most impacted my life is a dear godly sister in Christ who is, to me, the definition of faith in skin. I didn’t really get to know her until her husband died in tragic circumstances, though our sons were friends and we lived in the same town. But we tried in our little way to step beside her as we could and because of that we earned the best of friends, and the best example of godliness in action I have ever encountered.

    98. My fictional crush is Jack Thornton from the series “When Calls the Heart.” The series is based on Janette Oke’s Canadian series by the same name!

    99. I’m not sure that I have one specific literary crush. I love every male lead who is faithful, kind, prayerful, and respectful. There doesn’t seem to be enough of those men in real life, so I enjoy the fictional ones!

    100. The person who impacted my life the most….hmmmm, well there were two that come to mind.

      My friend Joseph Dennie from College. I was going through a dark pit of depression and homesickness where I would come back from class everyday balling my eyes out for two or three hours. Barely ate anything, exercised for an hour or more, went from 195 pounds down to 143 or something like that. He reminded me that God was there even in the darkness. This is how my life verse came to be because I would read it over and over again. It helped me through the darkest time in my life.

      My life verse: Zephaniah 3:17-20 says:

      17 The Lord your God is with you,
      the Mighty Warrior who saves.
      He will take great delight in you;
      in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
      but will rejoice over you with singing.”
      18 “I will remove from you
      all who mourn over the loss of your appointed festivals,
      which is a burden and reproach for you.
      19 At that time I will deal
      with all who oppressed you.
      I will rescue the lame;
      I will gather the exiles.
      I will give them praise and honor
      in every land where they have suffered shame.
      20 At that time I will gather you;
      at that time I will bring you home.
      I will give you honor and praise
      among all the peoples of the earth
      when I restore your fortunes[a]
      before your very eyes,”
      says the Lord.

      The second person is this amazing kid named Zachary that I worked with in Illinois. He has Autism and couldn’t speak at the time. Through determination, patience and fun. I was able to help bridge the communication for him. Everyday I would introduce myself like this:

      Me: Hey Zachary. My name is Halita. What’s your name?

      Zachary would just stare at me in silence for about 4 months everyday.

      One day I asked him and he surprised me.

      Zachary: My name Zachary!!!!

      It brought such tears to my eyes. God uses encouragement through the most unlikely of people. I will always remember these two individuals who have touched my life. My friend Joseph has gone on to be with the Lord but not a day goes by that I don’t think of him.

    101. I’m with the ladies who say “whichever book I’m reading, there’s ALWAYS one hero I fall in love with.” Most recently I fell for two of Ruth Logan Herne’s characters, Matt Wilmot in “More Than a Promise” and Mitch Sanderson in “Refuge if the Heart.” Oh, and I also fell hard for Dan Moretti in Kathryn Springer’s “The Dandelion Field!” Can’t wait to meet your Logan!

    102. My ultimate fictional crush is Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. He’s cultured, educated, loves his sister, and has what I imagine to be dark good looks. Plus he’s English. I think a posh English accent is so appealing.

    103. As a fellow author, I can totally relate to falling in love with my guys. Friends tell me I talk about them as if they are real people. But they are, aren’t they? I have an author friend who said “Your relationship with your characters is very unique.” Another said she’s jealous. So enjoy the gushing and hopefully everyone else will be as equally enamored of Logan as you are and enjoy the story almost as much as you did writing it (and revising, and editing, and proofing . . .!) Congratulations, Melissa!

    104. I have so many fictional crushes, each book I read I fall for another. My all time crush has always been Johnny Depp. I know he is not fictional but I will never get to meet or see him in person so I consider him fictional Lol 🙂

    105. I think my first crush was Nat from The Witch of Blackbird Pond, but he has been usurped by the Scarlet Pimpernel. Not even Mr Darcy can measure up to that standard.

    106. My parents impacted my life. My father was orphaned at age 7 and a half. My mother lost her father at age 12. They both had a hard life and still managed to become responsible adults.

    107. My real and forever crush is on my husband….haven’t really met a fictional one that made my heart swoon…yet…I need to read more about this “Logan” of yours!!

    108. My crush is and will always be my hubby! I am a Blessed woman and Thank God for all the many blessings in my life!

    109. I guess a person who impacted me was a dear non Christian friend that I met during my time abroad in Australia. We were studying the Bible and I asked her why was she curious about Christianity (she was asking some difficult questions and I wanted to understand where she stood).
      She said she thought amazing how Christians love other people and every time she asked them why they acted like that their answer would always be because they were reflecting the God they serve.
      This was so simple and honest and unexpected that it humbled me to my core and made me think more carefully about my attitudes – if
      I was truly reflecting God. It also made me (whose been raised in a Christian family) want to know more about what it means to love others and what it means to love/be loved by God.

    110. I have been impacted by so many people in my life, but the couple that stands out to me are the Camp Directors of Camp Peniel (in Texas) when I was in high school. The way they lived their lives and the great love they had for all the campers really helped me grow in my faith and showed me that Christ could be REAL to me in my own live.

    111. Congratulations on the new release, Melissa!!!

      Seriously, though – I find it hard too, to say things out loud that people need to hear instead of, well, writing them as a note or something. 😉

      (P.S. I’m reading Made to Last right now! I enjoyed the Blaze-Miranda-sock scene. 😉 Blaze is such a cool guy…)

    112. Maybe the book was more for you, than anyone else who might read it? If it brought you to this place in your life, then others who read it and enjoy it would be the icing on the cake. Manifold blessings to all.

    113. I don’t think I’ve ever had a fictional crush – which is amazing considering how much I read! I’m looking forward to reading about Logan!

    114. My favorite fictional hero is Quinn from Dee Henderson’s O’Malley series. He is a US Marshall and lives on a ranch and wears a cowboy hat and loves to ride horses. He is also a very strong character but morally and physically.

    115. My fictional crush would have to be Zorro. Specifically, Antonio Banderas’ Zorro. My kinda man. Helps the downtrodden and is sexy while doing it.

    116. My fictional character is Captain Jack in Slightly Noble by Lilly Gayle! He is a very compassionate, truely noble, strong man, just like my husband was! Slightly Noble is an amazing read!

    117. My fictional crush was Dave Richman from Danger in the Shadows and The O’Malley series by Dee Henderson. He is strong when he needs to be, but sensitive. He doesn’t back down from trouble.

    118. My fictional crush is Luca Forelli from the River of Time series by Lisa T Bergren. He’s a hot Italian knight, as well as a gentleman. And his cover model (!!!) makes me exclamation pointy! lol

    119. My husband is my “real” crush and his love and loyalty for almost 48 years has impacted my life like I never imagined possible. I enjoyed this blog entry immensely and I am so excited to get to meet Logan!

    120. I grew up reading the Christy Miller series by Robin Jones Gunn. Todd Spencer was/ is my fictional crush. He treated Christy with such respect and love. He showed me what I should look for in my future husband.

    121. I was introduced to my fictional crush in high school when I read the book, The Scottish Chiefs by Jane Porter – Sir William Wallace. As a young impressionable school girl, I thrilled at every battle he fought and I swooned as I read about his devotion to his bride – Marion Braidfoot. Oh, how my nights were filled with dreams of this handsome hero defending my honor.

    122. My fictional crush…. I’m going with Paul Emerson from The Covered Deep by Brandy Vallance. I cannot tell enough people how much I love that book, in large part because of Paul. 🙂

      Best wishes on your new release, Melissa!

    123. I don’t think I have a fictional crush; I just seem to love all of the characters of the book I’m reading at the time! It’s like I become part of the book and I personally know the characters. When I take a break from the book or I finish it, I often have to remind myself I’m back in reality and not in the fictional story, but then again that’s why I love reading…I can be part of several stories, set in all different places and feel as though I have been there and am part of the story. I loved Logan and Amelia’s story…fell in love with them and with all of the Walker family again 🙂 Can’t wait for your next book to read Beckett’s story. My heart fluttered a little when I saw your FB post the other day! Thank you for your gift of writing. Keep up the fabulous work! God Bless!

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