Bethany House and MBT Storycrafters …all in one weekend.

It was one of those surreal weekends. And I know, saying it like that makes it sound like I have surreal weekends all the time. Not so much. But this one, oh yes. Here’s why:

Three years ago, I attended my first-ever My Book Therapy weekend retreat–the 2009 Storycrafters Retreat. I was a total writing newbie, excited but uncertain. And I walked away from it with a new story in my head, a new connection with my writing voice and a new awareness of the awesomeness of Susan May Warren.

Three years later, I attended the MBT Storycrafters Retreat once again…this time as a contracted author. And on the same weekend, I also had the opportunity to visit Bethany House Publishers, who will be publishing my debut novel, Made to Last, next fall.

See? Like, seriously surreal! And all I can think at this point is Thank you, God, Thank you, God, Thank you, God.

So, because I may or may not be operating on less sleep than usual (due to the fact that Susie may or may not have been teaching me football plays at 1:30 a.m. last night–and no, this has nothing to do with Tim Tebow and everything to do with a future book!), instead of getting all gushy and verbose, I’m going to share a few pics of the weekend:

With fabulous Bethany House editor Raela Schoenherr. I now know how to say her last name!
Melissa’s thought in this photo: Oh my goodness, I’m really here. There’s a sign that says my name. And I totally didn’t spill coffee on myself on the way here. Though I did get lost. But still…I’m really here!
A close-up of the sign. Come on, you would’ve taken a photo of it, too!
Did anyone else read the Mandie books growing up? At Bethany House, they’ve got a giant stuffed animal of Snowball the kitty!
They also have a map of the U.S. with pins and flags for where each author is from. 
And an outdoor photo. 🙂
Shift to Storycrafters!! With two of my absolute favorite writing gals: Gabrielle Meyer and Lindsay Harrel! p.s. Linds, I totally stole this photo from your facebook wall. Can you ever forgive me? 

Pretty sure my sweater says it all. 🙂
Ditto! (Susie May and Alena Taurianen make ridiculously fun roomies!)
And finally, yes, this is a photo of two photos. The one on the left is from the first Storycrafters Retreat back in 2009, the one on the right is from this past weekend–both with sweet notes from Susie. Thinking about all that has happened between then and now, again, all I can think is, Thank you, God!

Have you ever had a totally surreal week or day or moment?

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    Comments 54

    1. So glad you had such a great weekend, Melissa. And what a fun way to come full circle to Storycrafters. That weekend in 2009 changed my life forever. I’m so thankful for the incredible group of new writing sisters I met. And look what God has been doing in our lives since then!

      1. Oh yes, it was definitely a “full circle” kind fo feeling. And like you, that weekend in 2009 was life-changing. It’s so cool to look at the group that was there that year and see all the things that have happened since. Yay God!

    2. Oh, so totally envious and so totally happy for you at the same moment! I am going for happy!! Melissa, I love seeing your dreams coming true. I love the photo of your name on that sign. I love your little “author flag.” I love seeing you with Susie and Alena. And Gabrielle and Lindsay. And the first SC photo and the “now” SC photo …
      Ain’t life grand?!

      1. Yes, life is grand!!

        You know, I had this moment as I got to SC when I thought, ooh, what if Beth really made a last-minute decision and shows up? Haha…but alas, you have a life in CO and sounds like you had a fun weekend in Estes Park. 🙂

        And yes, I love that you were there in 2009 too…sitting at the same table as me…reading a scene from your now on-the-shelves debut novel! Yay!!

    3. Oh yeah, I would have taken a picture of the sign too:) Awesome weekend, and great testimony, Melissa:)I think that’s what’s the best–you give it all to Him, from the start of your dream to where it is now…like I said, awesome!

      1. I’m glad I’m not the only one who’d take a photo of the sign. 🙂

        Yes, the thing with dreams is, I really believe God gives them to us. And we can either snatch and hold them close in a greedy, me-me-me way, or we can open our hands, accept the dream but even better, accept the One who gave it to us in the first place…along with his help.

    4. One word…yaaaaaaay!!!

      And yeah, my surreal weekend was this year at ACFW. Like I’ve been saying, it was just so amazing to meet all of my friends and find out that we actually got along in person! LOL. And I just felt…home. It’s incredible to feel so at home with people you technically just met.

      1. Hehe, thank you for the forgiveness. That’s very Christian of you. 🙂

        Yeah, it was cool at ACFW to meet so many people I knew online but hadn’t yet met face-to-face…including you. Too fun. And…whyyyy does February have to be so far away?!

      1. Thanks, Loree! Sometimes I just want weekends like that to stretch on and on and on, but it’s probably important to keep a good attitude about everyday life, too, huh. 🙂 I read your blog today–sounds like technology was NOT your friend over the weekend. Boo!

    5. Love, love, love these photos and YES, I’d say that’s pretty surreal to have a pic from three years apart to showcase as you sit down to write…as a PUBLISHED author!!

      P.S. Don’t think I’ve told you how much I love that title. 🙂

      1. Oh thank you for loving the title, Casey! I can’t take any credit for it–it’s all Raela. 🙂 She’s brilliant and I’m so blessed to get to work with her and everybody at Bethany House. They all seemed soooo encouraging and FUN!

      2. Editors are supposed to be brilliant so they make authors like you even more so. After seeing Becky Wade’s cover, I’m seriously waiting on baited breath for that first glimpse of yours. Something about a cover… (and don’t worry, I know I’ll be holding my air for a long time, so I’ll take a quick breather now and then. 😉

      3. You know what’s super cool, Casey? At BH, I got to see the art room where they have three bulletin boards with the covers for each season. It was too cool…and the creative director told me they’d be taking down the fall 2012 covers soon and starting to put up the fall 2013 ones. He said, “And that’s where yours will go.” And I might have swallowed a squeal. I attempted professionalism and maturity while there, but I’m not so sure I succeeded. Hehehe…

      4. That’s crazy to even think about the fact they plan a year in advance. But I love it too. Oh I’d be squealing, I hope you squealed just a little *tiny* bit. I have a feeling they’re used to it. 😉

    6. What a great weekend! Congratulations on your book, first of all! How sweet of Bethany House to be so welcoming to their authors. I totally would have taken a pic of that 🙂 Glad you had a good time at the retreat, too!

      1. Thanks for the congrats, Cindy. It’s been a blessing of a whirlwind.

        And yes, such a great time at the retreat. I can’t recommend MBT retreats enough! They’re worth every cent and minute. 🙂

      1. Yes, definitely way cool. It was extra cool because I’ve been a Bethany House fan since I was a kid. I think I told every single person I met there about looking for the BH logo on spines of books in the library as a kid…

    7. Melissa, it’s so exciting to see God working in your life! Your enthusiasm is absolutely contagious! I enjoyed seeing your photos and learning more about you, your journey, and God’s faithfulness.

      1. Oh thank you, Cindy! It’s fun to share the experiences, celebrate with blog visitors and hopefully, in turn, provide encouragement. I know hearing other people’s fun news and cool experiences always makes me excited and hopeful about my own life.

    8. I got goosebumps seeing your Bethany House photos, Melissa (just like I did when I heard about your experience while we were at Storycrafter’s)! I am so excited for you and all the amazing adventures you have in front of you. Ahhh!!!!!!

      1. Oh thank you, thank you, Gabe. It was soooo fun getting to hang out with you and know you more this weekend. I told Linds I wished we’d had more chit-chat/hangout time. But we’ve got a possible meetup in February and AGAIN in June to look forward to! Aaaand one or even two in September! 🙂

    9. MTagg!
      I love seeing how God is blessing you and yes, I would have taken a picture too!

      Um, yes you crazy two were doing football plays at 1:30 in the am. Crazy I tell you, but oh so much fun!

      1. Oh, I just loved rooming with you again, Alena. I truly feel blessed to have gotten to know you more both at ACFW and again at SC this year. I feel like you’re a kindred spirit. 🙂

    10. Hey Melissa. It was fun having you pop in on us and tell the latest about your endeavors. We felt honored to have the you we know and love….as well as the you we will soon see featured as a new author in our favorite store! We are happy for you and the spectacular things happening in your life. Good stuff indeed. Hugs from Julianne

    11. Tagg, I fully expect to have to clear off a shelf on my bookcase to hold all your amazing novels! You are headed great places, and I am so thrilled to be a part of your journey.

      Now, the guy who hikes the ball is the center… 🙂
      Susie May

      1. Susie, you are too sweet. I am so ridiculously thankful for your help and encouragement and support and everything. You just rock too much for words.

        Okay, now I need serious advice: Which is the better purchase–Football for Dummies OR the Idiot’s Guide to Understanding Football?? 🙂 And, I will be sure to remove the words “guy who hikes the ball” from my manuscript! Hugs!

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