Admittedly, these are some weird ACFW Conference goals.

Dallas, here I come!!!

I have had quite. the. summer. Let me tell you…
But I can’t just yet. Not the specifics anyway. But it’s been one of those, “Whoa, God, You rock!” kinda seasons and I’m still a-flutter.
In the midst of my excitement, I’ve been getting ready for the ACFW Conference. Many friends are also attending…some, sadly, aren’t. Waaah, I’ll miss those of you not in attendance.
Now, many of us attend these conferences with big goals and hopes. We make lists. We make plans. We prep as frantically as Richard Simmons dances. 
Well, I’m just going to be honest. This year, my ACFW goals have taken a turn for the slightly odd. In addition to the usual, here are my Top 5 Unusual Conference Goals:

1) Perfect my most dramatic “run and hug” skills for when I finally meet in person the many cool people I’ve connected with online. Kinda like this. Be prepared, people. 

2) Learn the proper way to say ya’ll. I feel like maybe I’ve been saying it wrong all these years. Where better to learn than Dallas?

3) Wear cowboy boots for the very first time. I’m breaking out my inner cowgirl for the My Book Therapy Wild West Pizza Party on Friday night. If you’re attending ACFW and you haven’t registered for the party, um…leave my blog right now and do so! Yes, that was bossy of me, I know, but seriously…nothing you’re going to read for the rest of this post will compare with the fun you’ll have at the party!

4) Learn the Tebow pose. This is at the suggestion of awesome blogging friend Jessica Patch. There may even be cameras involved in this very important endeavor.

5) Get to know the Starbucks employees by name as I order nonfat Pumpkin Spice Lattes approximately 2.5 times a day. (If the average American family can have 2.5 kids, then surely I can order 2.5 lattes.)

Okay, am I the only one with a few weird goals? What are your ACFW goals? If you’re not going, maybe you can come up with some un-conference-related oddball goals…
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    Comments 39

    1. Melisssssssssa!

      Nothing weird about any of those… except I figure if you’re like me, you just rounded the 2.5 up to 3…. Don’t waste that other half, I tell you! (Besides having half a kid wandering around my house is almost as wrong as leaving half a starbucks lying around my house. Just saying.)

      Blessings from Miss TNTBJ (Trying Not To Be Jealous).

    2. Love your goals! We had Texan Thomas U speak at Write!Canada this year who informed us that you use y’all when referring to one person and y’all y’all when referring to a group. Texas tidbit for the day…that I have no idea if he was pulling our leg. 🙂

    3. I’ll share your Starbucks goal, only I’ll mix it up by ordering a salted caramel every now and then just to keep things crazy. My other goal is to find the fine line of how many books I can purchase and still not have to pay for my luggage. Can’t wait to see the Tebow pose:)

      1. Ah, are the salted caramel drinks good? Never tried one before, but I’ve wondered. Honestly, I’m usually just a drink-it-black girl, but I cannot…CANNOT…pass up a pumpkin spice latte. And then sometimes a good ol’ mocha. Oh, and Starbucks makes a great caramel apple drink, too. Oh dear…instead of hunger pangs, can a girl have thirst pangs?

    4. Hahahahaha!! I love #1 and couldn’t agree more. 🙂 I’d be glad to give you pointers on #2, but it’s not hard in the least! I’ll have my camera ready for your Tebow pose as I steal your place in the Starbucks line. What are friends for?

    5. My goals match yours, M-Tagg.
      And I added one this year: I will be hitting the workout room. Yep, I will. My back doesn’t like it when I sit, sit, sit without walking the treadmill or doing something to make it feel better …

      1. Umm, I would really like to have that same goal. BUT…if it comes down to fitting another scarf or skirt or boots in my suitcase, the first thing I’ll remove will most likely be my workout clothes. Bad Melissa! Of course, I could just workout in a skirt and boots…that would be something.

        But seriously, I should try to join you in the workout room. I had these great exercise goals for the summer that didn’t quite come to fruition. Maybe I can start over again…at ACFW of all places!

      2. Melissa- you can definitely work out in boots and a skirt. One time I was on a women’s retreat and couldn’t sleep so I was going to go down and swim but the pool was closed so I ran on the elliptical in my swimwuit and sparkly flip flops- which was only a little awkward until some other guy came in. I thought I was safe at 5 am! Apparently not. (I then later hid behind friends when I saw him in line at breakfast)

    6. Awesome goals!! One of my goals is trying to figure out how to fit everything I need to take in one small carryon! How?? I don’t know! But I have a motto “No Curling Iron Left Behind.” I will make it work!! Can’t wait to give you the run-and-hug too. Or maybe a chest bump? We’ll see!

      1. I’m amazed at people who can fit everything into a carryon. Amazed! In the past couple years, ACFW has been within driving distance of me so I could pack as much as I want. This year, it’s going to be a challenge to fit everything into one checked suitcase.

        A chest bump. Awesome!

      1. Well, there’s no strict dress code for the party, but I do know that many on the MBT team will be dressing somewhat western. 🙂 In years past, people have worn jeans and others have dressed up. Whatever you want! But…a pair of boots and a cowboy hat would not be out of place. Hehehe…

    7. Love the list, Melissa, especially if I’m on the receiving end of #1 and can watch #4 and share #5 with you! 🙂 Can’t wait to meet in person!!!

      I’m with Beth, I will be hitting the gym – even though I’m a Zumba/ballet dancer for excerise, I will love to get some exercise in. My other goal is to just soak up as much of the experience as I can!

      1. Yes, you will get a hug. Yes, you can watch and even participate in #4 if you like. And yes, let’s share #5.

        I noted to Beth above that I may just join ya’ll (practicing early) in the workout room.

        And yes, yes, soak it all in. It’s such a wonderful experience!!

    8. Bahaha, I laughed at these. I’ll be doing the Hermoine hug with you!! And the Tebow posing. Good times.

      Um, my goal is to get through editor/agent appts. without looking like an idiot. For realz.

      1. I burst out laughing when Jess mentioned Tebowing. Really, it’s a wonder I haven’t perfected the pose already. I do pray, though, even if I haven’t technically Tebowed. Hahaha…

        You won’t look like an idiot. I’m sure. 🙂

        Cannot wait to hug you!

    9. Love – learn the Tebow pose!

      I still might be coming. The conference is still up in the air for me due to my back. It will be a last minute call. I have to get the okay to fly from the doc.

      1. What’s silly, Loree, is that Tebowing shouldn’t be hard to learn…but I’m not really the most coordinated person in the world. I tried to do a P90X stretching (just stretching!!) dvd with my sis once…I got so tangled. Hehehe…

        I hope you get to come!!

    10. I’ve seen you on so many blogs, so I decided to visit, and I’m so glad I did! I love your sense of humor. This list cracked me up! I’m not attending the conference this year, but I hope you have a wonderful time (and I hope you get to practice that running hug:)).

    11. I’m looking forward to filming you do the Tebow pose! I mean after all, shouldn’t you become familiar with the way he’ll propose to you? Come on!

      My goal is to actually hit my mouth whilst drinking liquids and eating solids and chatting with well, anyone. See you soon, friend!

      1. Ahhh…hahaha…um…I don’t know, it might be slightly presumptuous planning for a proposal. But then, it IS always good to be prepared, right?

        I hope you accomplish your goal of eating/drinking with target accuracy. Hehehe…

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