Super fun times (and a giveaway!) with debut author Rachel McMillan

Christmas tea cup and ball on vintage books

Guyyyyyys, today my awesome friend Rachel McMillan is here! She’s no stranger to this blog. She’s written posts here on the intersection of  Sherlock and faith…Dr. MacNeill…and Luke from Gilmore Girls

But today’s visit with one of my favorite Canadians is by far the most exciting because she’s here to talk about her brand new debut novella–A Singular and Whimsical Problem. I read this last night and it is soooo fun! Seriously, folks. You have to read it.

Check out the Q&A below and make sure to enter the giveaway too. (But if you don’t win her book, dude, just go out and buy it. It’s less than a Starbucks coffee!)

  1. Okay, before we get to your novella, you know we have to talk about this: Best movie/TV Sherlock…who’s your fave? (Actually I think I already know who you’re going to say and he has the least odd name of all the movie/TV Sherlocks of yore! Benedict Cumberbatch, Basil Rathbone…lol!)

61NklOdBTCL._UX250_My all time favourite is Jeremy Brett because he is the quintessential purist Holmes: he’s just perfect and Victorian and those are the stories closest to the source material. But, my second favourite is definitely Benedict Cumberbatch. He’s great and proves that the Canon is Century agnostic.

  1. Sherlock, Watson and Inspector Lestrade: Which one do you date, which one do you marry and which one do you, apparently for some inexplicable reason, kill? (And yes, this is a variation on a party game.)  

I LOVE THIS GAME! We date Sherlock, We marry Watson and we kill Lestrade (We don’t want to but this is a tough trio and if I killed Holmes or Watson my heart would die. We kill for heart preservation )

  1. And now we get to your novella! This story is an introduction to your awesome upcoming Herringford (did I spell that right?) and Watts series. We all know what inspired this series…but I’m wondering, what inspires you personally about Sherlock? So much that you’d base an entire series on it?

First and foremost it is the relationship between Holmes and Watson. You really can’t have one without the other. They’re two sides of the same coin. My girls are the same. Having a female friendship as the central relationship in a series is, I think, unique to the CBA but they play off each other so well. I also think the Holmes and Watson relationship is the perfect emblem of the questions we ask as Christians.   The whole “See through a glass darkly component.” Sherlock is all knowing and Watson just needs to see and observe and wait and watch to get to the solution. We need that intermediary in the step toward brilliance and omniscience. If Holmes is God, then Watson figures almost Christ-like as he acts as our go-between.

  1. What’s your favorite thing about this novella?51-vU9APljL._UY250_

I love that you just get a glimpse of the girls in action. I kinda just drop you into their lives and hope that you want to read more about their crazy antics. Toronto at Christmas is magical —it is now and I think it must have been then, so that setting (even though the backdrop for a quite dark mystery) is wonderful, too.

  1. And what’s your favorite line?

“Merinda made a sound I cannot emulate in prose.” That just makes me laugh. I can’t really remember writing that line but it just proves that after awhile these characters started speaking for themselves.

  1. Now let’s set the stage for your upcoming debut novel…what can we expect from the first full-length Jem and Merinda book?  

51jKaiKt0gL._UY250_Mystery! Adventure! Awkward first kisses! Women dressed in men’s clothing ! An enigmatic Italian reporter! A stalwart police constable! A trip to the racetrack! Opera! Lemon curd sandwiches! Corpses in theatres! And, romance. I cannot do anything without a whiff of romance.

  1. Finally, we must talk about our shared hero love. We’ll do a fun and funny and possibly quite giggley post in the future about how we both have crushes on our own heroes (you—Ray! me—Logan!), but for now…give us the top five words that describe Ray.

 Poet, loyal, fast, whip-smart, romantic


Okay, it’s giveaway time! Enter below for a chance to win a copy of Rachel’s new novella. Contest runs for one week. 🙂

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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    Comments 27

      1. the great thing about those Sherlock Holmes adaptations is that the action sequences are really true to the Conan Doyle stories!! Sherlock COULD hold his own 🙂 I also REALLY love the look of them. He creates a gritty, steampunk London 🙂

    1. I’m a huge fan of Benedict as Sherlock. He’s crazy and totally unpredictable. That was how I saw Sherlock in my imagination when I read Sherlock Holmes the first time. Hugs to Rachel on her new release!!

    2. Probably Benedict Cumberbatch (between the voice and the cheekbones . . . [fan myself furiously]), but I also have very fond memories of Basil of Baker Street, if he counts. Being the Great Mouse Detective and all.

    3. I haven’t watched many of the older Sherlock Holmes movies so I can’t really comment with intelligence. However, this may be the time for me to locate some and watch them. I have seen all the Benedict Cumberbatch and Robert Downey Jr. movies/shows. Rachel’s book sounds intriguing.

    4. I three Sherlocks that I’ve seen (at least that I can remember) are Benedict Cumberbatch, Robert Downey Jr., and Jonny Lee Miller and I like them in that order as well! This novella and the following novels sound like such fun! I cannot wait to read them!

    5. Congratulations, Rachel! So excited for you getting your books published. If you would like to shout out about them on my blog sometime, just shoot me an email and we’ll set something up.

      My favorite Sherlock is Robert Downey Jr. But I haven’t seen very many Sherlock TV shows/movies other than his. I did recently see the movie Mr. Holmes, and Ian McKellen did a fantastic job at an older Sherlock. Definitely worth watching.


    6. Since it’s the only Sherlock I’ve seen I would have to say Jeremy Brett. I’ve seen almost all of his Sherlock Holmes episodes and you cannot get any better! I almost don’t care to see any others because his is so close to the books. I have been a tiny bit curious about the Benedict Cumberbatch ones though. My sister has seen them and really likes them. I’m not sure that she’s seen Jeremy Brett’s versions. Maybe if I offer to watch the Cumberbatch versions she will try out the Jeremy Brett ones! 🙂

    7. You two are such fun, together. I wonder if there’s a joint writing project you could work on together. But I digress. Rachel, you are quite the wordsmith – there’s a strong Victorian influence in your turn of phrase and your wit – it’s delicious. I slipped back into those joyful moments of wonder of first discovering George Elliot, Hardy and co.

      Thank you, Melissa, for sharing your chat with Rachel with us. I hope there’s a time (perhaps ACFW in 2016) where I could sit and listen to you both. So clever, self-effacing and funny.

    8. Will I be voted off the island if I confess I don’t get the Sherlock thing? Because I don’t. The only one I’ve seen more than a glimpse of is Elementary, but my dad is a Sherlock purists and couldn’t take the completely modernized version. I found it rather curious, though. I’ve thought about watching the movie with Robert Downey Jr but never have. I’ve heard mixed reviews about it. Despite this, I’m still VERY interested in Rachel’s new novella and upcoming book! I’d love to read them!

    9. I’ve seen the movies and Elementary. I am a Robert Downey Jr fan anyway, so I’ve got to go with him. I’m an 80s girl. Congrats on the book! Hearing rave reviews about it!

    10. Hmm, what a conundrum. I really couldn’t say for sure. I’ve seen so many different versions as my brother’s a major Sherlock Holmes fan and I absolutely adore a good mystery. I never really watched Sherlock much, but I did watch Elementary for a while and l liked Jonny Lee Miller’s Holmes. However, we both agree that Basil of Baker Street is a definite favorite. I hope to see more of Sherlock. I really enjoyed Robert Downey Jr.’s Holmes and Jude Law’s Watson. However, I did not care for the overt occultism, but I loved the humor, the epic soundtrack, and the dog. Your book sounds like an adventure not to be missed, Rachel. Thank you for stopping by to share with us about it and congratulations on getting published!! – Blessings, Juli

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