Big Birthday Giveaway! (books, movies, cookies and more)

Giveaway collage


September is my favorite month of the year for about a thousand reasons! Including this:

It’s my birthday!

Well, not quite yet. My birthday is actually September 28. But I’m starting the celebration early because this month also marks the one-year birthday of a couple pretty special people in my life. Their names are Matthew and Miranda and they’re the main characters in my first book, MADE TO LAST…which released on September 15, 2013.

One year of being a published author.

It’s flown by and you know, there are some aspects of this writing thing that have turned out to be more challenging than I ever expected back when I was a kid telling people someday I’d be the next Carolyn Keene. But challenges and all, I love living this dream.

So in celebration of my debut book’s birthday and my birthday, I’m giving away some of my favorite things!

It’s a pretty sweet prize package if I do say so myself. The giveaway is open now through midnight September 28. Here’s what up for grabs for one lucky winner:

    • The Butterfly and the Violin by Kristy Cambron: When I was trying to think of a favorite book to give away, I came up with approximately three thousand and one options. So I decided to narrow things down and give away one of my favorite recent reads. This combined WWII/modern-day story is a-ma-zing. I bawled my eyes out.


    • Let’s All Be Brave by Annie F. Downs: If you’ve been following my Friday series on bravery, you know this book has been hugely influential in my life in just recent weeks. Can’t recommend it enough.


    • What’s Up Doc?:  Trying to pick out my favorite movie to give away was SO hard. Contenders included His Girl Friday, The Philadelphia Story, Anne of Green Gables, My Man Godfrey, It Happened One Night…but I kept coming back to this one because it. is. hilarious. I think I have it memorized.


    • Season One of Gilmore Girls: My favorite TV show ever. And even though I’m only giving away the first season, the good news is that the entire series is coming to Netflix. So after you binge-watch these dvds, you’re set to continue. (Which you MUST do because my favorite character, Jess—click here for further explanation/adorableness—doesn’t even enter the series until season two.)


    • Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies: BY ME! Yes, I, Melissa Tagg, am going to bake for you. Now, I believe in being humble BUT I have been told these are the best cookies ever. Numerous times. So…I’m just saying.


    • Dunkin’ Donuts Pumpkin Spice Coffee: Because it is awesome.


Entry is super easy and you’ve got a variety of options.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

p.s. Because I’m on deadline until October 13, this package won’t be sent until mid-October. I won’t have time to make the cookies until then. And trust me, I’ve had enough baking disasters in my life that you really don’t want me rushing through making your cookies… 

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    Comments 175

    1. Ahh… ONE of my favorite things? Well that’s a hard one… I love getting to sit down with a good book (like Made to Last & Here to Stay) and feel like I’m right there with the characters. The same goes when I’m writing. I can write so much easier when I love my characters and they feel like family. My little series I’m working on is that way, I love all the characters and they feel so real sometimes.

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    2. ONE of my favorite things…hmmmm…I guess my three way chats on FB with my cousin and my Aunt. My cousin is in FL and my Aunt is in Peru. Sometimes we chat and have a cup of coffee “together” (miles and miles apart).

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    3. I love My Man Godfrey. We bought it for $2 on a hunch…best $2 ever spent. Have you noticed that they play that movie in two Gilmore Girls episodes? And if you haven’t already, watch The Thin Man series with William Powell (Godfrey). It’s perfection. Thanks for the giveaway!

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        YAY another My Man Godfrey fan. I love that movie soooo much. Carole Lombard is just fabulous and William Powell is always a favorite. Love the Thin Man series! And yes, I love that Gilmore Girls has several spots where they’re watching or referencing classics. Oh the episode in Season 7 where Luke watches The Philadelphia Story…looove!

    4. I love nothing more than a comfy chair, a warm blanket, and a big book this time of year! Well that, and a plate of pumpkin anything!

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    5. Congrats on your books birthday! And happy early birthday to you! One of my favorite things…too hard, I have so many…the first thing that popped into my head is snow, but also my amazing family!!!

    6. Gorgeous fall days are one of my favorite things. A little breeze and crispness in the air. The sunlight has a certain look to it. Gorgeous! I also really love coffee, especially shared with good friends. And I love my toshack room in my house. (I love His Girl Friday, by the way…watched it obsessively as a kid).

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        Autumn is my favorite. I love it! And yay for another His Girl Friday fan. It’s by far one of my very favorites. The dialogue alone makes it one of the best movies ever…ground-breaking too as far as the way they used dialogue and sound.

    7. One of my favorite things is Braums ice cream with homemade chocolate chip cookies – ( I would love to win yours so I could try them)

    8. The list is long, but I’m going with something nit yet mentioned…Barq’s Red Cream Soda. I can’t get it here where I live, so I have to get my fill when I go home to visit family, but it’s so delicious!
      Congratulations, and thanks for the amazing giveaway!

    9. I have to say that books are at the top of my favorite things!
      Even my nine year old says that mom if you are reading a book you are
      taking a break doing a word game and that is considered reading.

    10. Curling up with a good book and a cup of tea on a chilly fall or autumn day. Or going for a drive along the North Shore during autumn. Or going for a walk in the first winter snow.

    11. One of my favorite things is…your cookies! Haha. Mmmm.

      I can’t believe your book is already a year old! I remember wearing our buttons and celebrating with you in person last year. That was pretty darn sweet, and one of my favorite recent memories!

      1 week!!

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    12. I have so many favorites! I will go with my favorite movie, which is Arsenic and Old Lace with Cary Grant! I laugh every single time!!

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    13. One of my favorite things? Hmm . . . . Let me think. Books are definitely near the top of my list. Writing is up there, too. Blankets. I have a blanket addiction. Big fluffy ones just out of the dryer are definitely the best.
      Music: Completely by Among The Thirsty is my new favorite.
      Homemade, fresh out of the oven chocolate chip cookies are heavenly.
      Drinks: Earl Gray Tea, hot chocolate – I’m addicted to smoothies.
      Hot summer days spent laying in the sun. I’m like Olaf – I love summer. 🙂
      Okay, I’ll stop now. Since all of that is completely random and I’m not even sure if any of it actually goes with this post or not. LOL Oh, well.

      I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week! Early Happy Birthday!

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    14. One of my favorite things right now is homemade applesauce and apple butter. I love the yummy smells coming from my kitchen and the cozy feeling of my house.

    15. Woohoo….who doesn’t love Chocolate Chip Cookies….What’s Up Doc? and everything else?!?! Thoroughly enjoy your books! Happy Early Birthday!

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    16. One of my favorite things? Curling up with a book, a hot mug of anything, listening to it rain outside and having a good smelling candle burning next to me.

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    17. One of my favorite things? How can I pick just one??? I love to curl up with a cozy blanket, mug of chai and a good book!

      Happy Birthday! I pray that this upcoming year blows this past year out of the water! And that God gives you more stories to write…because I’d love to read more of your stories and be able to share them with friends 🙂

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    18. Happy Birthday and wowee! How cool is it for me to tell people i went to high school with a now published author? Congrats! My favorite thing is probably those cookies! 🙂

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    19. One of my favorite things…well, I’ll focus on the moment and that’s filling my house with the apple cinnamon smell with making applesauce, apple chips and apple pie filling to stock my freezer for the coming year!

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    20. Happy Birthday. ONE of my favorite things? Spending time with my family. One of my favorite things are books to read. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

    21. My favorite things……everything about Fall. Burning leaves, crisp air, football games……..pumpkin pie, pumpkin bars…….the smell of Spiced Cider warming on the stove.

    22. I love that the concept of brave is on such a huge upswing right now! So important! One of my favorite albums that’s released lately is “You Make Me Brave” by Bethel Worship amazing!

      I’m dying to read that Annie Downs book 🙂

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    23. Well, one of my new favorite things is Warehouse 13 which I discovered on Netflix. I love love love Gilmore Girls and have all the seasons, so if I win I will share that awesomeness with a friend. I love the pancakes my daughter made for breakfast this morning chock full of apples and pecans.

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    24. Happy early birthday!! This has got to be one of the most amazing prize packages ever!
      Ooh favorite things! I have so many that I’m going to be rather general! Books, TV Shows, Musicals, Chick Flicks, Sweet Tea, and anything Reese’s flavored!

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    25. Happy birthday!! One of my favorite things is reading. And I also like September because my birthday in in Sept as well but the beginning of the month:)

    26. Just one favorite thing?..hmn, well that’s a hard one. How about good books like yours? Seriously though, my Mom recently picked up my copy of Here To Stay and had nothing but good things to say of it. Reading is at the top of my list of favorites, right next to music, old classic movies, period dramas, mysteries, and Autumn…definitely. Favorite season..ever! 😀 Happy Birthday Melissa!! Thank you for the lovely giveaway.

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    27. Hi Melissa, happy Birthday and happy release day for your new book.A few of my favorite things, well let’s see. I love my family and friends. I love visiting Colonial Williamsburg and walking the streets with my husband. I love living the simple life and putting my trust in Jesus. Thank you for a chance to win this awesome giveaway! ~ Blessing and best wishes on your new book ~

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    28. I would just like to say that I LOVE that you included “What’s up Doc?” and “Gilmore Girls” in your list of favorites – they are among my favorites, too! I probably shouldn’t enter the giveaway as I own both of them as well as “Made to Last” which I also loved! 😀 But I do love me some chocolate chip cookies so I’m definitely in for those!

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    29. One of my favorite things is family. It’s the first thing that popped into my head when I read the question. Sure, I enjoy books and can drool over some luscious yarn, but family is what does it for me! This coming from someone who hasn’t had the best extended family relationships, but my husband and four children mean the world to me!

      Happy Birthday and congratulations on one year being a published author!! Enjoy celebrating the GIFT of YOU!

      Kelly Y

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    30. Thanks for this amazing giveaway!!! It’s super hard to pick one favorite thing, but put me outside on a sunny day with a good book, iced tea, and some oldies music and I will be VERY happy.

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    31. Hi Melissa . I will say Happy birthday . My hubby’s birthday is right there close to your .My favorite thing is I would say books . It is close between books and quilting . They are my favorite . Thanks for the chance to win one of your goodies .

    32. One of my favorite things is a good cup of coffee. It enhances enjoyment of just about anything else, and even makes homework bearable! 🙂

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    33. One of my favorite things is fall! I guess that’s not really a thing, but rather a category of things encompassing the amazing weather here in Louisiana (not too hot, not too cold), pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks, fall scents at Bath and Body Works, and football!

    34. What an awesome contest! One of my favorite things is a little ceramic Santa Claus pencil sharpener that my favorite elementary school teacher gave me because I won second place in the school fundraiser. I don’t remember what my prize was from the school, but I treasure that little pencil sharpener because I loved my teacher so much, and she made this painfully shy little girl feel important. I still have it on my shelf with my treasured nick-nacks

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    35. I have too many faves. I do love books though. I’m a librarian, so of course I do. I’m also in a book club. We absolutely loved talking with you on the phone. I love cappuccinos and cookies too! Happy Author Birthday and thanks for the chance to win.

    36. I can’t decide on just one favorite thing. I LOVE to read but I also love to watch classic movies and romantic comedies. I love your books and can’t wait for the next one. Happy early birthday!

    37. Happy Birthday!! 😀 We’ll be celebrating my cousin’s and my pastor’s b-day on the 28th as well. 🙂

      ONE of my favorite things? Um… Friends who love books just as much as I do (and have similar taste)! 😉 And, since classic movies have been mentioned, I just have to say that some of my favorite b&w movies are The Thin Man movies & Arsenic and Old Lace. Best movies EVER!! 😉

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    38. Happy birthday, 10 days early. Since I’ve already got the book, I came here just for season 1 of Gilmore Girls. (Because it’s the best, by FAR) But add in pumpkin spice coffee and homemade cookies. Drool-worthy! You’re so sweet to offer presents to us on your birthday. Fabulous. 🙂

    39. I have many “favorite” things, but could probably cover it all with “spending time with family and friends…especially my new baby niece!” 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway! It sounds like you are including several wonderful things in the prize. Happy Birthday!

    40. What a creative, fun giveaway! ONE favorite thing? Hmmm… my current favorite thing is watching the DVDs of the TV show Numb3rs. I didn’t see it when it was on TV, but am really enjoying it now! Happy Birthday! Really glad your print baby had its birth, too!

    41. My favorite things? Besides spending time with my Grandkids, I love coffee, good books to read and crochet while I’m watching TV.

    42. One of my favorite things is reading and traveling the world. Both make you feel like you can be anyone or do something different and I just love that! I love Gilmore Girls too! Let’s hope they come out with a movie 🙂

    43. One of my favorite things is curling up in a comfortable chair with a cup of coffee and chocolate (of any kind) and a GREAT book. That is one of the best comforts in life. 🙂

    44. Well, Happy Birthday, first off! The question of what is one of my favorite things reminds me of the song from “The Sound of Music”-My Favorite Things…Raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens……but, truthfully, I love pumpkin flavors like you do,and with fall coming down…mmmmm

    45. On the one hand I love really good dark chocolate. If I combine that with a good read and coffee, life is just about perfect.

    46. Happy anniversary and birthday month. The prize package sounds wonderful. Liked all of your movie possibilities. My favorite things are laughs with family and good books and movies.

    47. Stars Hollow is the place to be!!! I am excited to hear about my favorite place being found on Netflix soon! Thanks for the birthday party!

    48. Thank you for this fun opportunity! September is a birthday-filled month in my family as well. One of my favorite things is when my mom and I both curl up on the couch with our books and spend a few hours reading.

    49. My most favorite thing is an hour without any interruptions, a good book and a bowl of popcorn. (Really- it’d be more than an hour but if won’t be greedy 😉

    50. One of my favorite things is just sitting still….all alone (of course, my dogs are always around) and just being quiet. So much clogs our minds these days, so much distraction. Try it….close your eyes, take a deep breath and just be still…
      Lately, I seem to have more “busy” days than relaxed ones. So, when I am alone, I try and take full advantage. Hugs and God bless!

    51. This giveaway is amazing! Some of my favorite things include:

      – Anne of Green Gables – words cannot express the love I have for her!
      – Camp Carefree – a camp that I have been attending for 14 years, the last two as a counselor.
      – Stories about best friends falling in love
      – Chick-fil-a
      – Cardigans and scarves
      – New York City – I went on a Make-A-Wish trip a few years ago and fell hopelessly in love. Speaking of which…
      – The Make-A-Wish Foundation. I am in college and my major is human services. One of my many dreams is to be a college intern for this incredible organization.
      – The piece of pizza with a bread bubble, the corner piece of a brownie, the end of the bread, pie crust, french fries with the skin – anything “crusty” 😉

      I could go on and on. A few years ago, I was struggling with thankfulness, so I made a list of over 300 things that I love!

    52. Your book giveaway is awesome! Favorite things: homemade hot chocolate when it’s cold out. Iced lemonade in the summer when it’s hot out. When I think about faves, it’s usually some food item! Your cookies sound so good!

    53. One of favorite things is horses, they have always been my favorite animal and someday I wish to have some horses of mine own and maybe give little kids riding lessons!!!! Wow, thanks for the amazing giveaway Melissa and I hope you have a awesome birthday on the 28th!!!
      Sarah Richmond

    54. Wow, this is such a generous giveaway!! Thank you so much. 🙂 I have heard many high praises for your book, and I’d love to read it. Happy birthday in advance and good luck for future writing projects!! ;D

    55. Hmmm. . . . so many favorites . . . love Ghirardelli 72% chocolates! Love to walk up/down hills in cool weather (60-65 degrees or lower to like 50! South FL girl here . . . 95 feels like 105 100% humidity summer . . . : / ready for cooler weather; which we just did while visiting in N. VA!!! So fun!) and am now starting the next 30 + with hubby (well 32-28 yrs in Nov) and we are starting a Family Fitness & Resource Center so I am really learning to trust God. I really love to study His Word . . . using Beth Moore or Kay Arthur studies! Really love praying with my hubbie and hearing how God has changed him . . . just started . . . worth the wait! : )

    56. OOps, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Mine is the 29th! My bro, sis and I were all born in the same week (23rd, 24th, 29th). Upon my arrival, my dad’s buddies announced to the whole congregation at my shower (after born!) that they all knew what Dorothy & Ellwood were doing the week between Christmas & New Year’s and from now on they are not to be disturbed!!! : / In 1960 . . . mom was under the table! Seriously, thanks for the giveaway and Happy Birthday! LOVE September!

    57. L-O-V-E Gilmore Girls too!!! And your book is pretty high on my list 😉 Added bonus, my b’day is in Oct – winning would be a fantastic gift!

    58. Love to curl up with a good book. Bethany House Publishers has never let me down! I’ve been a fan of so many authors they have published since I was young.

    59. I love everything about fall—the cooler temperatures, the colorful trees, the anticipation of upcoming holidays and time with family, cozy time under a blanket reading a good book! What’s not to love? By the way….we share the same birthday (month/day)!!!! It’s great to know I’m in ‘good company’ sharing our special day together. HAPPY BDAY and many more happy healthy ones to come!!

    60. One of my favorite things is reading an awesome book and just getting lost in the story, so lost that I laugh, cry and smile at all that takes place in the book 🙂

    61. One of the things that I love the most is going to the local Library because with each book I pick up to read, I’m reminded from the worn binding from each page turn, that this book has not just brought me happiness, but also the numerous amount of hands that have picked it up before me.

    62. As much as I love family time, I also value alone time when I can read. You are gifting us with a wonderful giveaway! Happy Birthday Melissa!!

    63. One of my favorite things? Spending time with and cooking for my family. Thank you so much for the awesome giveaway opportunity!!! Happy Birthday! Hope it is a wonderful and blessed day for you.

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