Because I’m better at giveaways than Christmas cards…

This is a thing!!

This is a thing!!

There are two main reasons I don’t send out Christmas cards.

1. People usually give an update on their year in Christmas letters, right? Well, I’m pretty sure I’ve already written about the most interesting parts of my year here on this blog or on Facebook or wherever.

And anything I didn’t already write about…well, if I wasn’t willing to write about it online, then I’m probably not willing to write about it in a Christmas letter, either. 🙂

2). I’m busy. I’m lazy. I’m convinced I will never find as great of Christmas cards as what I found five or six years ago. They had a picture on the front of a knight in armor with a big hole through the middle of him. On the inside, they said, “Oh Holey Knight.” While I’m pretty sure this was only mildly funny to everyone else, to me it was hilarious. I’m giggling right now just remembering.

And since I’m convinced I’ll never find Christmas cards I love that much again…why try?

BUT to make up for my lack of Christmas card sending, I figured…why not do a super fun giveaway? This giveaway is actually part of a larger author Christmas celebration. We’re each doing our own giveaways plus there’s a big giveaway from all of us. Today it’s my turn to do my giveaway. The prizes are random and fun…

  • A Flannel candle from Bath & Body Works. Yes, you read that right. I’m pretty sure I haven’t stopped smiling internally since the day a couple weeks ago when I discovered they actually have a candle named after one of my favorite things ever–flannel.
  • A $10 Starbucks gift card. (To my knowledge, Starbucks does not have a flannel drink. That would probably be gross.)
  • Mint dark chocolate M&Ms. Because I love them about as much as I love flannel.


Just enter here…it’s easy! You’ve got until midnight next Wednesday. I’ll announce the winner next Friday.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And don’t miss out on the bigger giveaway from me and my author friends–Cara Putman, Beth Vogt, Sarah Ladd, Courtney Walsh, Kristy Cambron and Katie Ganshert. Details on that contest HERE.

Do you send out Christmas cards?

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    Comments 145

    1. I used to, faithfully! But…(head sagging)…I haven’t sent them out in a couple of years. My practical side gets the best of me sometimes. Sure, it’s nice to get something in the mail other than a bill. But, really, the cards just end up in the trash. Unless maybe they’re the ones with family photos…and when you don’t have those to send, it kind of doesn’t seem worth it. Either that or I’m just getting lazier in my old age 🙂 Or too caught up in writing. 🙂 It’s a tough call.

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        I hear you, Crystal. I still enjoy getting them from other people, but then I always face this moment of: Okay, sooo…it’s now post-Christmas. Am I okay to throw these cards away? I feel especially awkward about throwing the ones with photos away…haha!

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        Rebecca, at the end of the post above there’s a list of all the authors participating. We’re each rolling out our individual giveaways on different days…I think so far three or four of us have announced our giveaways. We’re announcing them M-W-F. And then the big giveaway includes items from all of us. If you follow the link at the end of the blog post you’ll see how you can enter the big giveaway. 🙂

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    2. Melissa, *blush* I actually mail just a handful. Our church sets up a “mailbox station” where we can exchange cards with our church family. The “postage” is a love offering donation that goes to support missions. I used to mail dozens of Christmas cards beginning in November, but alas, I just don’t have the time anymore. I really wish I did. I try to make sure my favorite peeps know they’re loved and thought about the whole year through! 🙂

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    3. I have faithfully sent out card every year since Dave and I have been married–but this year I decided not to. For a couple of reasons. 1) It’s one of the biggest stressors of my Christmas season, and this year I am looking at ways to reduce stress and enjoy myself. If my family had taken a decent family picture this year, maybe, but it sounds like a lot of work to get a picture taken at this point! 2) Every picture or bit of information worth sharing from this past year has already been shared on Facebook or my blog (like you said). So, no, for the first time ever, I’m not sending out Christmas Cards. It’s kind of sad–but a big relief.

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    4. That WAS a funny Christmas card. In your spare time you could write hilarious Christmas cards–or a character in one of your books could–and maybe some people around him/her don’t get the humor, and that advances or derails relationships…
      Just a thought… Merry Christmas, Melissa. (Hmmm. Marry Christmas?) and Happy blessed New Year.

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        Haha…maybe if the book-writing thing flops, I’ll move into writing greeting cards. Although I’m not sure I’d deserve to have a career in that since I’m so bad at actually buying cards myself. I just don’t buy them often because I can never find any that say things I would actually say in real life. Except for funny ones like the Oh Holey Knight one. 🙂

        Merry Christmas to you, too!

    5. Oh, you and your flannel obsession…it makes me giggle. 🙂

      And yes, we send out Christmas cards. My husband does a lot of the work, though, so that’s nice. You should get yours next week probably…

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        You know what I remember about your Christmas letter from last year? It had your name spelled Linz and I was like, oops, I always spell it Linds. I think it was after that that I converted to Linz. LOL!

    6. I quit sending mass Christmas cards a few years ago because it stressed me out! I only sent to my aunts and uncles for several years but that number is down to 3 so I’ve added some special friends.

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        You know, for a long time I saved one of the leftover Holey Knight cards and refused to send it anyone because I wanted it for myself. I loved them that much. I should go digging to see if I still have it somewhere.

    7. I always want to, but never think of buying cards and then I forget about it again until I’m at work or just going to bed… never at a time in which I could actually do it.

    8. I like your reasons for not sending Christmas cards. I totally agree with the fact that it is so hard to write a good letter when everything has been shared all year on Facebook and through emails. But this year we are moving to a different state so I am sending out cards with our new address in the letter. It was very difficult to write the letter since I had nothing new to say, other than the new address. But I do like getting cards! So this year, yay to the cards, next year? We will see.

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    9. I used to send out cards every year. But as postage has risen and cards more expensive, I’ve chosen not to continue to send them. I keep in touch with most of my relatives and friends on Facebook and send out greetings through email.

    10. I send out Christmas cards, but just the regular kind, not with our picture or anything. Maybe if we had kids we would, but I figure no one really wants a picture of me & the hubs except for my mom and maybe our grandparents 😉 And I don’t send to everyone, just the ones I know really would appreciate it.

    11. I’m not much of a Christmas card person either. It’s just so much work, and nothing interesting happens in my life. I did send Christmas letters before I went to Gabon, but it was kind of an update to the “send me money” letters I’d previously sent.

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    12. I have around 12 ladies that I exchange homemade Christmas cards with every year. I love to receive their cards as they have such amazing talent. That is as far as I get with Christmas cards.

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    13. I usually only send out a few cards, maybe a dozen or so to close family and friends. But I do love reading all the Christmas letters from old family friends that my parents receive!

    14. I only send out a few. Every few years I do a letter..but since FB means most of my friends know what is going on in my life, I haven’t done those in a long time. I love getting the photo cards and the letters from my family and friends though 🙂

    15. I used to send out cards each year – with pictures of my family, so everyone could see how cute my daughter was. And then one year, I just ran out of time, and I never picked up the practice again. Also – Facebook. It’s the death of Christmas cards!

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        Yes, I was actually just talking to my mom a couple weeks ago about that–why would I send out Christmas letters all about the past year when the highlights of my past year have pretty much already been documented on FB?

        Then again, there is something about taking the time to reflect on the past year and share it with friends/family. So even if I don’t do it myself, I enjoy reading other people’s.

    16. I like the O Holey Knight card idea! Grin. Yes, I send out picture cards of the fam…if I send regular cards, I start writing all over them and then it takes up tons of time (I usually send out about 100). Thanks for the giveaway–I’d LOVE to smell this candle (if I don’t win, I’ll make a point of checking it out in Bath/Body!). Thanks!

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        LOL–so the candle smells kind of like a man. A good-smelling man. I still haven’t decided if I’d actually want, like, a whole room to smell like that. BUT the novelty alone makes me really happy. 🙂

    17. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I hate sending out just a card–I want to be able to include a personal message or a Christmas letter–and most of the time I’m too unmotivated to do that. But I can’t help buying Christmas cards when Walmart discounts them after Christmas, so I have tons.

    18. I used to do the whole sending cards to everyone in my address book but then postage went up. And so did the price of cards. Now I only send to a few older family members who would disown me if I didn’t send one 🙂

    19. I used to send out Christmas cards, but 2 years ago it just got to be too much! I decided to start sending out emails to family to update them on going ons, plus facebook has helped too.

    20. I like to receive Christmas cards but don’t send/give very many – mostly to close family and one or two friends.

      Blessings and Merry Christmas!
      Jasmine A.

    21. They are fun for me to do currently as I do not have a blog and we have a young family so friends and family get to see how the kids change from year to year!

    22. It was difficult for me to send them this year and only about 15 went out. Had a hard time just signing my name, my husband passed away. Was thinking back to where there was just the two of use, and then 3 and then 4, and then gradually back down. I really don’t like doing them!

    23. Yes, and no. I have some non-electronic age friends, actually more older relatives that are not so good at computers or anything like unto it!

    24. I used to send out Christmas cards every year, but not any more. I think one year I ended up sending Valentine cards instead. I just can’t get my act together quickly enough to get cards sent out in a timely manner.

    25. I’ve never smelled flannel, I guess! Card sending is stressful and I’ve avoided it the past couple of years. I sure enjoy receiving them, so I’d better get with it and return soon!

    26. we send out christmas cards to family and friends just to let them know whats happen over the year and letting them know that we are praying for them

    27. I do email letters now and don’t mail cards anymore. However, I do love to receive cards in the mail. We save them all and pray for the people all year long; one card for each day.

    28. I do love to send and get Christmas Cards. One of the reasons is that I have a lot of friends that are not on facebook or the Internet so this is the only way I can keep up with them. Of course I am part of the older generation that is not into the technical age as much.

    29. We do something much worse than cards-we have a family newsletter! We each write a paragraph about our year and we compile it into one very long letter (there are 9 of us kids). Since several siblings have moved out it’s gotten shorter but it’s still one of my least favorite parts of the Christmas season! This year I got stuck with putting it all together and I’m not too excited about it. I still need to write my part but nothing big happened this year so I have no clue what to write about!
      As for cards from other people-I just like getting pictures!
      Oh and your Holey Knight card made me laugh too!

    30. I am about to the point where I am not ever going to send Christmas cards again. My life is not exciting enough to type up a form letter. I struggle to get anything written on the cards. If I am just going to send a card signed, why even bother? Next year, I am not going to fall into the “must do this” way of thinking. I sound really cheary (?) don’t I:)

    31. Sending Christmas cards is hit or miss for me. I always try to, but don’t always get them done. Which is actually more stress than if I’d found the time to write them! 🙂

      Thank you for sharing your awesome writing with us, and for the giveaway. God’s blessings to you and your family for a very Merry Christmas.

      ~Kimberly Perry

    32. Most years I do a Christmas newsletter-just because all of my extended family lives out of state, and I have 2 darling grandsons (ages 6 & 9) who say/do the cutest things!

    33. No, I never can find the time too mail the cards, I am the only caregiver for my 18yo medically fragile and complex daughter and taking her out is too much trouble

    34. I try to send them out every year. They are usually the ones with our pictures on them showing off my beautiful and silly family. I love getting Christmas cards and the newsletters, too.

    35. Sometimes I do, sometimes they are more New Years cards. I had some made this year with a picture from a trip, so all I have to do is mail them.

    36. Flannel candle? Wow, that’s the first I’ve heard of that one. Evokes a warm, cozy feeling and dark chocolate mint M & M’s…um, yes, please!

    37. Thank You for giveaway. Merry Christmas.
      Yes I still send out some cards. I don’t do a letter but I enclose a personal note to family and friends.

    38. This is my first year not doing cards! My friends that count know what was important this year. I have had a busy December and decided to give myself a rest. Here’s to those of us choosing what is important in our life!


    39. Guessing you have to be in USA to win! But I also LOVE the things you are giving away and think the card would have made me laugh out loud!
      I try to do cards – oh I am so bad at it

    40. I used to send cards but haven’t in years. I do really enjoy receiving cads and amazingly I still get some. I am thankful for tose of you who send cards each Christmas.

    41. I don’t send them out anymore, because I just can’t keep up with everything. I love to get them, though. I know it’s not fair.

    42. I’ve been sending out Christmas cards since my husband and I got married 20 years ago. I’ve always enjoyed it. I’ve noticed over the years that fewer and fewer people are sending them to us, but that’s okay. I still like to send them anyway. 🙂

    43. I still like to send out Christmas cards-I don’t think many people do anymore.I have many fond memories of looking at the cards our family received when I was younger.I especially liked the ones with lots of glitter and sparkle!!

    44. I love sending and receiving cards but it has become so expensive. The cards aren’t so expensive but postage adds up quickly. I do some ecards for friends, too.

    45. I usually send a few cards to out of town friends and family,but this year I don’t think I am going be able to afford to.

    46. No I do not send out Christmas cards . Stamps are so high that it cost so much . I use to send them out every year , but like I said stamps are so high . I love and tell everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all . Love your gifts you are giving away . Thanks .

    47. I buy individual cards for the people to which I am the closest – that live out of town. I send few other cards – preferring to send a recorded CD to friends, & just gifts to family, etc.. I DO enjoy reading the Christmas letters I receive, & viewing the pics.

    48. I love to send Christmas cards , but usually run out of time… or money. Plus, even when I have a box of assorted cards, I like to pick a card for each person… so takes me even longer! lol

    49. No, I quit sending Christmas cards a few years back. It just got too hard to match up a card with the person/persons! However, if someone sends us a card I usually send one back to them. If I don’t, I feel guilty! I hate feeling guilty!

      Judy B

    50. A hundred and Twenty-one comments?! I’ll never win at this rate. And I don’t blame you for not sending Christmas cards…you’re right, you’ll never find a card as good as the Holey Knight. 🙂

    51. YES! We just sent out Christmas cards almost exactly like the ones you described. They were Silent Knight, Holey Knight by Jolly Jingles.

    52. Melissa, your posts never cease to make me laugh. Great sense of humor.

      …I still send out cards though they’re not “letters” so much as they are just a greeting card wishing those on my list a merry Christmas. It’s a lost art these days and that makes me sad because, honestly getting a Christmas card is always a pleasant thing. 🙂 Love the fun giveaway.

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        Hehehe, glad the post made you laugh, Rissi. And you know, you’re right…letters and cards really are somewhat of a lost art today. I love getting cards…I’m just so horrible at remembering to send them. Which is sad, really, because my dad is a letter carrier. You’d think I’d send cards just to support the post office!

    53. Melissa, only you could find a flannel candle! But now I want to win so I can smell it! I hope to send out Christmas cards… maybe after new year? Or maybe next year? I love getting everyone else’s in the mail!

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    54. That is one of the ways to keep in touch with very special friends at the holidays,
      when all are busy and caught up in the bustle.
      Way to wish everyone all the love and special greetings and blessings and express
      the true meaning of season.
      Jesus is the reason for the season.
      Never for get to say I love you for tomorrow is not promised.
      Merry Christmas.

    55. That is one of the ways to keep in touch with very special friends at the holidays,
      when all are busy and caught up in the bustle.
      Way to wish everyone all the love and special greetings and blessings Jesus is the reason for the season.
      Never for get to say I love you for tomorrow is not promised.
      Merry Christmas.

    56. Used to send out LOTS of cards every year, but not so many anymore. Cost of postage, lack of time/energy/want-to… lol But I still love Christmas cards. Maybe someday I’ll get back in the game.

      I always faced the same guilt someone else mentionedabout throwing them away, so we used to cut out little pictures from the front of the cards and use them the next year as gift tags. My daughter still does that in her own home now.

    57. Here’s a big NAY for me sending them! I’m a single, childless-unless you count my 8 y/o chihuahua, Encore-who’s 30 something, on full disability. I don’t have anything or anyone to show off every single year. Plus I really can’t afford to buy everything! However, I love receiving cards and updates so here’s a Yay to others sending out Christmas cards!

    58. Flannel and dark chocolate…what a great combination!

      At this point, we may send a new year’s card. I’m so far behind.

    59. I send cards out to mine and my husbands immediate family, that’s all. I ‘m not very good about keeping up with stuff like that either. Thanks for the giveaway.

    60. I only send a Christmas card to my brother-in-law who is in prison to let him know no matter what we still love him and are thinking of him. It makes me sad and to send him a happy Christmas card but its the really the only gift we are able to give him besides sending him “extra” money through the computer to the canteen (the prison store) for Christmas. Prison must be a very lonely place 🙁

    61. We do – and I love receiving them. Not all of our friends and family are on Facebook, and they always enjoy the update on the whole family. Plus then they have a (lovely 😉 picture of use for their fridge! And the reverse is also true – I love getting caught up on the lives of all our friends, plus seeing their Christmas photo and having a physical copy. 🙂

    62. I just sent out 90 cards yesterday – I still love the personal touch of receiving Christmas cards in my mailbox but I’m afraid with the cost of postage rising more & more people probably including myself will have to stop in the next few years 🙁

    63. I usually send out cards. it’s just this year i’m not unless I get one first. hate all the effort it takes to send cards to people you don’t really know.

    64. I used to but haven’t in the last couple of years. I still give them to close friends and family just don’t send to distant family.

    65. I usually send out Christmas cards, however this year they will be New Years cards since my middle name is procrastinator! 😉

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