Who is the greatest superhero EVER? (Tons of guests + a giveaway!)

Awesome graphic artwork courtesy of the fabulous Rissi!

Awesome graphic artwork courtesy of the fabulous Rissi!

People, I have been looking forward to this blog post for weeks. (Because, yes, I’m the kind of person who gets excited about blog posts. Don’t laugh.)

Here’s the deal: Back in November, I FINALLY saw Guardians of the GalaxyAs a rather ardent Chris Pratt fan (because how fun is Andy Dwyer?), it’s a shame it took me so long to finally see it. Thing is, once I did see and looove it, I had a huge existential crisis as I realized…

I don’t know who my favorite superhero is!

Serious stuff, yes? The funny thing is, I used to never care about movies based on comic book characters. The only time I ever talked about heroes was in story-crafting or when singing that one Enrique Iglesias song even more dramatically than he does, which I tend to do about once a week. But now I’m a huge fan who is:

a) probably overly amused by how many guys named Chris play superheroes, and
b) SUPER confused about who my favorite is.

So I brought in some help! Below a variety of writer/reader/reviewer friends are each here to tell me why their favorite superhero is best.

AND if you chime in, too, you’ll be entered into a sweet giveaway for Guardians, a $20 B&N gift card and, yes, Avengers duct tape.


So read, enjoy, cast your vote and enter the giveaway. It’s for a good cause. If all goes well, maybe I’ll have a favorite by next week.

John Otte (@JohnWOtte) ~ BATMAN

JohnYou’d think my favorite superhero would be the one I created. I wrote a bunch of stories about Failstate, a teenage superhero.

Except he’s not. No, my favorite is Batman.

Part of that is because of his lack of powers (unless “phenomenal wealth” is a superpower). In spite of that, he can hold his own against the worst villains. It’s my unshakable belief that, if he knows he’s going to fight someone, he will win. And that includes Superman. There’s a reason why the Man of Steel entrusted Batman with a kryptonite ring in the comics. He knows if he needs to be stopped, Batman can do it.

There’s also the old adage that you can judge a person by his or her enemies. Just look at the Joker. ’Nuff said.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you’re looking for the best of the best, it’s Batman.

Susan May Warren (@susanmaywarren) ~ THOR

SusieMy favorite superhero is THOR!  It has to be, after all, I live in VIKING land.  And let’s not forget the MUSCLES.  Or the fact he’s a Weather god.  And a builder (after all, he has a HAMMER!).  I’d like to invite him over to fix a few things around my house.  And maybe create a delicious blizzard to snow us in.  But the best thing about THOR?

His Hair.  All those blonde, run-my-fingers through it locks.  Mmmhmm.

It doesn’t hurt that he’s played by the dashing Chris Hemsworth, either.


Andrew Swearingen (@wittyswearwords) ~ SUPERMAN

AndrewWho’s the best super hero?

Let’s be real.

An earthquake threatens the west coast. A giant robot is destroying your city. Congress has been replaced with shape­shifting Martians.

Who do YOU want to see saving the day?

Imagine you’re a super hero. You’re in a fist fight with your arch nemesis. A herd of mutated dinosaurs is stampeding downtown. You’re trapped in an alternate dimension ruled by the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs and stuck in a Pyramid surrounded an army of mummies.

Who do YOU want watching your back?

These are jobs for Superman.

You won’t complain about him having “too many powers” or being too “old fashioned” when you’re the one being saved.

You’ll just look…up in the sky. Bird? Plane? No.

It’s Superman.

Katherine Reay (@katherine_reay) ~ AGENT CARTER

KatherineWhen I think of a super hero I envision Superman. He can fly; he’s strong; he’s got x-ray vision and other extraterrestrial gifts…

But when recently asked for my favorite, Agent Carter jumped off my tongue. Not a reader of Marvel Comics, she’s fairly new to me. We met during Captain America. So why is she my new favorite? Eclipsing Superman and even Captain America? I think it’s because I, in my dreams, could actually be Agent Carter – fight the villain and save the day. Please note, I did say in my dreams. But it’s not too much of a stretch, right? She’s human with no “enhanced” abilities. She uses brains and she’s got guts, gumption, and moxy – and those awesome but rarely used adjectives work! – and she can fight. She’s strong, yet broken, hardworking and loyal, yet distant. See, very three-dimensional? And she’s got her own TV show.  Any questions?

Rissi (@scriptsandsuch) ~ THE FLASH

rissiDC Comic’s most recent hero to emerge (and claim hearts) is Barry Allen a.k.a the Flash. His meta-human superpower is as the result of a lightning strike that transformed him from ordinary to extraordinary. 9 months after later, he wakes with a new identity: he’s the Fastest Man Alive. Barry’s greatest quality isn’t how fast he travels. It’s that he’s willing to go out on a limb for anyone. He’s one of those selfless, “good guys” we cannot dislike no matter how hard we try. The choice is never in question for him: he’ll always choose a life over retaliation. Best of all, he’s evolving each storyline. He’s a wholesome hero in the making. It might be the force of nature, known as the Flash that goes through the heroic motions. But the real hero is the quiet, selfless Barry Allen.

Emilie Hendryx (@eacreativephoto) ~ WOLVERINE

EMilieWolverine is by far the best superhero. First off, he’s invincible. Able to heal for forever? Yeah, that’ll make your superhero career pretty amazing. Able to extend “claws” when necessary? Also awesome because he can choose his battles. So what if he’s a little moody at times, it comes with the territory of having lived for so long that you’ve seen a lot of life. I think this helps him be a realistic superhero – he’s seen good and bad and he’s made some mistakes, but he’s someone who has come a long way from those mistakes. I also love his protective nature. What woman doesn’t want a strong, invincible man to protect her? Not to mention he’s got a little bit of the “bad boy” persona that secretly (or not so secretly) many girls find attractive as long as it’s paired with a genuine heart of gold.

Katie Ganshert (@katieganshert) ~ THE HULK

KatieYeah, he’s crazy strong. And yeah, deep down beneath that angry green exterior he’s a man in love. But that’s not why I’m such a Hulk fan. I’m a Hulk fan because he got our son to eat his vegetables. Any time we’d give our young son broccoli or spinach, my husband would say, “You want to be strong like the Hulk, right?” Or “The Hulk is green because of all that broccoli he eats.” Like magic, our son would clean his plate. And usually ask for more. So thank you Mr. Banner, from the very bottom of my heart. You are my favorite.

Cara Putman (@cara_putman) ~ WONDER WOMAN

CaraMy favorite superhero is Wonder Woman. I love the idea that she has a lasso of truth that forces people to be truthful and the invisible jet is AWESOME! I so need one (or two) of those. Getting my 4 kiddos everywhere they need to be can be tricky enough. But most of all — I love that she can keep up with the boys in fighting for truth, justice and the American way!

Chip Reece (@chipreece) ~ BOOSTER GOLD

chipBooster Gold is an idiot, and that’s what makes him an amazing hero. If you’re the guardian of the past, someone could just go back and prevent you from ever being born. Game over. However, if everyone thinks you’re a bumbling dorkface, who would take you seriously enough to go through the trouble? That’s what Booster counts on to ensure that time travelling villains don’t take a time trot to the past and kidnap infant Superman to raise him as their own. Imagine Communist tyrant Superman (SUPERMAN: RED SON anyone?) vs. the one we all know and love, raised by Ma and Pa Kent. Arguably, that scenario alone makes Booster Gold the most important superhero of all.

Additional Booster facts:

  • His mentor is his son from the future (he has no idea)
  • He’s a washed up college quarterback who got caught gambling
  • He stole the equipment he uses from a museum in the 25th Century

Beth Vogt (@bethvogt) ~ IRON MAN

bethIron Man has long been my favorite super hero – but the question is, how to convince you? Sometimes the best way to win an argument is to keep it simple. I offer you an Iron Man acrostic.

Improving his father’s legacy
Respects the strengths of other super heroes
Offers his life for others (see The Avengers!)
Never is the unarmed man in a verbal battle of wits
More to him than a flashy super power, a cape, or a hammer
Able to learn from his mistakes/defeats
Needs Pepper Potts – she balances him out

Peter Leavell (@PeterLeavell) ~ PROFESSOR X

peterProfessor Charles Xavier, or Professor X of the X-men, is my superhero. His world is filled with gifted ‘mutants’ that have superhuman skills. But the mutants, or X-Men, are deemed dangerous and many are hunted down and killed. Under Professor Xavier’s watchful eye, he creates a school that becomes a safe haven for the battered X-Men. He doesn’t force a single person to do or be something against his or her will. Instead, he creates an atmosphere where they are free to grow and learn at their own speed. That’s why I love Professor X.

Amanda Luedeke (@amandaluedeke) ~ GAMBIT

amandaYou gotta love Gambit, aka Remy LeBeau, because HELLO! He has Cajun charm (and an accent), is really tall and dreamy, has a sordid past in which he was a thief entrenched in a SERIOUS New Orleans guild, but has come around to do good with his life. Plus his romance with Rogue was/is one of the best superhero romances of all time. She can’t physically touch anyone, but he doesn’t care. It creates great chemistry! His power is that he can harness kinetic energy. He uses this to do anything from heat up a cup of coffee (bonus!) to pelt his enemies with exploding playing cards. He is EPIC with a deck of cards, BTW, and also skilled with a bo.

Hillary Manton Lodge (@hillarylodge) ~ STAR-LORD

HillaryReasons why Peter Quill/ Star-Lord from Guardians of the Galaxy is the BEST:

1. Peter Quill is, objectively, a great name.
2. Despite the loss of his mother at an early age and having been raised by ravagers of questionable morals (and dietary habits), he has surprisingly strong people skills.
3. He really loves his mom. The mix-tape she gave him remains his most prized possession.
4. His moniker of choice, Star-Lord, was his mom’s nickname for him.
5. His father is a mysterious Alien entity. So that’s cool.
6. He’s a good friend – whether it’s saving Gamora from dying in space, or figuring out the best way to get that dude’s leg.
7. He can distract a villain with a dance-off. There’s something to be said for that.

(Sidenote from Melissa: Um, really, yes…there IS something to be said for distracting a villain with a dance-off, especially if Chris Pratt is the one doing the dancing. So. Much. Love.)

Ruth Anderson (@booktalkandmore) ~ HAWKEYE

ruthI blame my love of Hawkeye on my childhood crush (still standing, by the way) on Robin Hood. Does it get any better than gorgeous guy (think Errol Flynn in all his Technicolor, chiseled glory in 1938’s The Adventures of Robin Hood) who fights dastardly villains with a BOW and ARROWS?! I think not. So when Jeremy Renner (in all HIS chiseled glory) made his first brief appearance as Clint Barton, a.k.a. Hawkeye, in the first Thor film, from that point on I was a goner. The guy has no superpower, just MAD SKILLZ. Case closed.

Jaime Wright (@jaime_wright) ~ GREEN ARROW

jaimeWhy I believe the Green Arrow is the best super hero:

Because he’s super good looking and shoots a bow. Seriously, you need more than that? Ok. Oliver Queen is a billionaire celebrity businessman from Star City who fights for justice in the dark of night, hooded and swathed in green leather, with a knack at archery that rivals Robin Hood. He’s sort of a bad boy, play boy, super hero who hearkens the grit of Hawkeye (think The Avengers), the loyalty of Katniss (Yeah, Hunger Games), and the justice of Legolas (Ooo la la Legolas of LOTR fame). Really, he’s a man who is also a super hero with no alien influence, or blood, especially haunted past. He’s all hero. He’s … all mine. 😉  (and I’m sure he drinks his coffee black)

Alena Tauriainen (@alenatauriainen) ~ CAPTAIN AMERICA

alenaWhy Captain America?

In this day and age where the United States is getting slammed from almost every corner of the earth, I love a super hero that embodies us as a country. Justice for the under-dog and a defender of the people. Who better than, Captain America? I love his style and old-fashioned heroism.

Last but not least? The guy is very well preserved. 🙂


Okay, folks, here’s what you can win:

  • A copy of Guardians of the Galaxy on DVD (sorry, I know Blu-Ray is cooler, but dvd is what I’ve got!)
  • Avengers duct tape because who doesn’t want Avengers duct tape??
  • A $20 Barnes and Noble gift card!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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    Comments 99

    1. My nephew loves super heroes and has made a family tree with all of us as superheroes. He said I am Liberty Belle! I like that for the same reasons that Alena mentioned above!

      Thanks for the fun blog post!

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        I think so! But then, I’m the girl who had to enlist a ton of writer friends to help her pick a favorite and is now more up in the air than before because they’re all so cool…lol!

    2. Such a fun post! I’m having trouble deciding which superhero is my favorite….I’ve been watching, and introducing, my boys to the Marvel and DC world–Such a joy to “know” them all again. I think my top three are Thor, Captain America, and Arrow. 🙂 (But, I AM loving Agent Carter–guess she’d be my favorite female hero.)

    3. Captain America #1 forever! He is just awesome! Perseveres through all and looks out for the little guy. He is just the best!

    4. Well, I love Thor because…umm, Chris Hemsworth. And I love Spiderman because he’s just so amazing. And I love Batman because he’s just a regular guy! I can’t pick! But if I HAVE to pick, I think Spiderman is my favorite. Maybe.

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    5. Captain America! Because he represents our country and anything to help young people be passionate about America is a great thing.

    6. Wow, that’s a tough choice. My favorite is probably Ironman. I know he’s a deeply flawed character, and I enjoy watching his growth over the movies. Plus, he’s super-intelligent and resourceful. I’m a complete sucker for the “smart guy.”

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    7. I’m torn… I love Wolverine– I think he’s misunderstood. 🙂
      I also really love Iron Man– he’s brilliant and sure his abilities are “supernatural” but he’s brilliant. 🙂
      And I really like Hulk — he’s misunderstood too. Bruce Banner is such a nice guy and then he turns into this great green hulk of a man…. he can’t help himself. He’s also my youngest son’s favorite superhero (and unfortunately, I can identify with him– You won’t like me when I’m angry. I don’t get angry often, but when I do, I seem to BLOW).

    8. I love Captain America! He’s my favorite because, well, honestly, he started out as the under-dog. He’s just a normal guy who got to become a super-hero. He sustains great morals and is kind and compassionate! And he’s not too shabby to look at 🙂

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    9. Oh man, just one? Smart guys always attract me – so IronMan fits that bill. But I love the use of bow and arrow so Hawkeye grabs my attention for that. Thor – well, he is just Thor, with a hammer. So there’s that. 🙂

    10. Steve Rogers/Capt. America is my all time favorite superhero. Though a lot of other great ones are on this list. Like The Flash, Agent Carter, Green Arrow, and Thor *swoon.* But Steve Rogers will always have my heart above anyone else. He is one rare fictional character I would marry in a heartbeat!

    11. My favorite superhero is Captain America. I love how he has the old-fashioned values and stands for what he believes is right, not what is popular. He is a wonderful role model.

    12. This is hard. I agree that Superman really has it altogether. And we NEED Captain America. Iron Man “Never is the unarmed man in a verbal battle of wits.” I love that. But Thor? Umm. Oh, Honey. He gets my vote.

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    13. I don’t think I can choose just one!

      Marvel: Captain America. I mean… come on. He’s all hero. He’s a genuinely good guy that cares about people and will risk his life to save anyone and everyone he can. He’ll go to the ends of the earth to try and help his best friend. And he has such a strong moral compass- he really does stand for truth, justice, and the American way.

      DC: Green Arrow and The Flash. Yeah, I’ve discovered a great love for these characters thanks to the CW.

      Arrow – Oliver Queen is a superhero without superpowers. He became who he is through a LOT of hard work and suffering. He’s not perfect. He’s a damaged hero who has suffered a great deal of loss and heartache. But all of that only makes him stronger and his main priorities in life are protecting his family, his friends, and his city. Plus, he’s just really awesome with a bow and come on, have you SEEN Stephen Amell? 🙂

      The Flash – I really love Barry Allen. He started out as a normal (fairly geeky guy) who, thanks to some particle accelerated lightning became the fastest man alive. Though he uses that strength to try and find the man who murdered his mother, he also uses it to help anyone he can. He’s smart, kind, and funny. And he has a great relationship with Joe, his best friend Iris’ father, who took Barry in and raised him when his dad was wrongfully convicted of his mom’s murder. Plus, Grant Gustin is just adorable.

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    14. Usually without a doubt I say my favorite superhero is Superman – has been for a long time. I have superman chapstick, superman pjs, superman dishes… I really love Superman. Like a lot. I don’t want to talk about my numerous superman t-shirts or how many times i saw “Man of Steel” in theaters… or the fact that I watched Smallville religiously own both “Lois and Clark” and “Superman: The Animated Series”… or that as I type this I’m watching “The Justice League.” But yeah, I LOVE Superman. Like a lot. But recently I’ve also really began to love The Arrow and The Flash (thanks, CW)… and Agent Carter. Agent Carter is the bomb! But I think Superman will always be number one for me.

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        Haha I LOVE how much you like Superman. I remember my brother watching Superman: The Animated Series (if it’s the one I’m thinking of) when we were kids. Is it the one with the clips at the end of Clark Kent as a kid?

    15. Hey Melissa, thanks for the fun post! I, too, have not been interested in comic book heroes. I do like Katherine Reay’s view of Agent Carter. So for me, I would say Captain America.

    16. What a fun post, Melissa et al! 🙂 As the mom of 3 boys, I LOVE superheroes. By my heart belongs to Loki, who is technically a villain. But he’s a redeemable villain, so I think he’s pretty awesome. 🙂

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        Haha, you know what, I actually considered finding someone to add to the guest list who would choose Loki, but didn’t end up doing it. However, now I’m thinking I should do a similar post full of guests all talking about their favorite comic villains! How fun would that be?

    17. It’s sort of a hard one, but I think Captain America is my favorite! However Thor is super nice to look at and is cool too! Haha!

    18. Captain America. All about justice, civility, chivalry, morality, candor, and foxiness. Um, I meant sacrifice. He’ll do the right thing even when it could cost him everything. I mean, Bucky, anyone? *I cried real tears* But Boyfriend-Who-Is-My-Husband’s favorite is Wolverine, and I am okay with his using Wolverine to set goals for his workout.

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    19. My favorite superhero is Thor. I think Chris Helmsworth is a hunk and a great actor. Love all the movies of the superheroes especially Guardians of the Galaxy and The Avengers. My sons and a daughter-in-law love to go together and see the movies.

    20. I think Batman has always been my favorite, because he doesn’t have any powers. I don’t /never have read the comics, so my only experience has been the movies and the Justice League series. I also really like Professor X and Storm from the Xmen series. I’d really love to see an Xmen Origins: Storm movie come out. Again, I haven’t read any of the comics, so I’m just going off what I’ve seen in the movies.

    21. Wow! That’s a long list of heroes! If I had to choose of those listed I’d say Captain America. BUT my favorite hero is the soldier who calls me his wife. My husband is my real life American hero and GI Joe, only more like GI Tony 🙂

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    22. Melissa, I love this debate!

      I’m a huge Marvel movie/tv show fan. My favorite heroes are Captain America (who wouldn’t like the all-American good guy?), Hawkeye (mad bow-and-arrow skills and that handsome/tortured look? Um … yeah!), and Agent Carter (a lady who can outsmart and outfight the bad guys and the “good” guys on her team? Gotta be a fan!).



    23. This is so hard! Batman used to be my favorite, but then I saw Iron Man. Now it’s a toss up between Batman, Iron Man, and Capt America (reminds me of hubby, no idea why).

    24. I’m a Captain America fan, all the way. I appreciate every superhero for different reasons, but he’s my favorite. 🙂

    25. SUPER fun post, Melissa and friends. As I knew it would be.

      Love so many of these guys and ladies. Hawkeye (pretty much for every reason Ruth said), Iron Man and Oliver Queen. And Katherine choosing Peggy Carter, yes! She’s definitely one of my very favorites. Oh, and it is neat that Batman doesn’t have a superpower. That’s what makes him unique. Plus, reason 7 for Star-Lord, Hillary – best distraction method EVER! That moment wins hands-down. Oh, and Chris Hemsworth. Yes, just yes.

      Alena’s reason for loving Captain America is spot-on. Wonderfully said. 🙂

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    26. hmm…I’m the only one in our 5 member family that is not big in to super hero’s (please, please don’t tell my husband or children I just admitted this!). If I had to pick, I would go with the Hulk, only because when I was younger my parents took us to Universal Studies and I got to meet him.

    27. How fun!! To be completely honest, I was never into super-hero anything as I had my nose buried deep within the pages of books since I could read. However, as I have recently been caught up in all things Avengers, I suppose that’s where my loyalty lies. After watching the movie with my friends, my favorites were Hawkeye & Black Widow, but then I watched Captain America, Catwoman & Thor and now I’m even more undecided. However, if it depended on what movie’s on the top of my TBW list, it’s Captain America…what Alena said..;)

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        Julianna, I was exactly the same…pretty much zero interest in superheroes and probably would never have seen the movies…but then my sister married a guy who is into comics (who may just appear on that list above!) and they convinced me to try out a superhero movie or two…and eventually I was hooked. I think it’s the back story and the random connections that intrigue me. Origin stories are my favorite…which is probably why Guardians appealed to see me so much. Well, that and the humor. And Chris Pratt. And the soundtrack. And basically everything.

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    28. My favorite is definitely Captain America. And my second favorite is Agent Phil Coulson. Though my brothers have tried very hard to convince me that he isn’t a super hero… or one of the Avengers. 🙂

    29. Ooh, too many to count! Great list –I like that there are a couple more “obscure” characters.

      The Young Justice animated tv show is what really got me into superheroes, so I usually like the younger, side-kick, teenage superheroes: From the aforementioned show: Robin/Nightwing (Dick Grayson), Kid Flash (WallyWest), Artemis, Miss Martian, Beast Boy, and Impulse (Bart Allen) are a couple of my favorites.

      Usually though, I mention The Flash as my favorite – Barry Allen, Wally West, and all the others in the “Flash family” … I’m LOVING the CW tv show –I have a weakness for “adorkable” guys, so even though Barry Allen isn’t quite the same as his traditional comic book iteration, I’m sold. =)

      OR Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) –Originally, she was a librarian, so … definitely one I want to check out in comics! Plus she’s a red-head. <3

      For a bit more obscure … Captain Marvel/Shazam (Billy Batson). A 10 year old boy, pure of heart, who can transform at will to a strapping adult superhero. There are a couple of animated clips on youtube for those interested. Great dynamics and mannerisms at times (he is a ten-year-old boy). =)


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        Ooh you know your superheroes! I have to admit, most of my superhero knowledge comes from movies and then plying my brother in law with questions about backstory. LOL! But I’m glad they’re starting to make movies on some of the more obscure ones…like Guardians. 🙂

    30. I love pretty much all of the Marvel superheroes. My favorites are probably Black Widow and Captain America. (100% based off the movies as I have never actually read any comics).

    31. My favorite is Batman because even though he has no superpowers, he overcame tremendous odds to become a superhero. And then, mentored someone else (a little guy named Robin) to do the same. (Of course, fact that he had the Wayne fortune and Alfred at his disposal helped just a little bit.)

    32. Star Lord because he’s human. Not in the ‘no superpowers’ way, but he messes up like an actual person and he acts like a person would (Not hatin’ on Batman, but who actually legitimately broods THAT much?). Not to mention Peter Quill is sassy, funny, and can throw one awesome dance-off. Plus he’s a music lover, so why not.

      But why isn’t Groot involved in this? HE’S the best of the best. 🙂

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        “Who actually legitimately broods THAT much?” That made me LOL! 🙂

        And yep, Peter Quill’s sassiness is definitely part of his charm. 🙂

        Groot should’ve been on the list!

    33. My favorite super hero would have to be either Green Lantern Hal Jordan because he’s got strong will power and can create anything he can think up with his will, or Batman Beyond Terry McGinnis because he’s like a cross between spider-man, and Batman.

    34. Great post! I know who I like and why, but it’s nice to hear who everyone else likes and why.

      My favorite superheroes are Iron Man, Green Arrow, the Flash, and Agent Carter. Robert Downey Jr., Stephen Amell and Grant Gustin–all great actors! Iron Man: Who doesn’t want a suit that will let them fly? And, I second all that Beth Vogt says about him. 🙂 Green Arrow: Arrow is probably my favorite show. Oliver Queen is a man who has faced adversity and come out stronger because of it. Plus, the salmon ladder and the romance between him and Felicity–I’ve been waiting for that for two seasons! 😀 The Flash: As Iris says, he’s of the variety of adorable nerd; just a regular guy thrown into a situation where he is able to help people, and he does. He doesn’t shy away from what is right–and he would rather help people than fight. Agent Carter: Female saving the day? Yes please!

    35. It is all about Superman for me and at least my son. Superman is iconic but the thing we like most is that Superman has a moral compass (though you can’t watch the latest films and get that message as you can from the old school stuff). Love that dude.

    36. Oh man, like you I’m kind of a newbie. Never read much comics or knew much about them. But I grew up liking Spider Man and Wonder Woman. Superman always seemed too slick to me. Batman too dark and too rich. I liked the Captain America movie and thought Thor seemed a bit silly. I like Jeremy Renner so Hawkeye seems interesting too.

    37. My son has the best t-shirt. On the front it has 5 or 6 lego characters that are various super heroes and it reads “Who will save you?”. On the back in bold letters it says “Jesus is my Superhero”. Love it!

      If I had to choose one I would pick Batman. He’s so mysterious.
      Definitely not Spiderman…I don’t want anything spider related in my house. Ick!

    38. Well, I’ve seen Iron Man 1&2, the Cap movies, Thor (based on your suggestion) and The Avengers. Cap used to be my favorite, because he is honorable, tries to do the right thing, and always gives 100%, and several other things. But you know, his character doesn’t change or grow as a person that much. He becomes a little more focused and determined maybe, and he’s haunted by the past in the second movie, but otherwise, there’s not a lot of growth.
      Then I saw Thor. Honestly, I was embarrassed for him at the beginning of the movie, going off half-cocked was not going to end well. Then he’s banished and stripped of his hammer. And he has to figure it out without being a demi-god and son of Oden. He has nothing and doesn’t understand where he is. Then, he believes his father is dead, because of him. There is a lot of character growth there. He changes. He is no longer the “selfish boy” his father claims him to be. He becomes a man and learns to put others first. And let’s face it, the hammer is awesome. So, it’s a toss up for me between Cap and Thor. Thor is a more fully developed character, I think. But I do love Cap and his honorable side and c’mon, who doesn’t love his shield? I can’t decide! So you’re left with Cap and Thor as my favorites. 🙂

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        OOH Sarah I love your analysis of Thor. You think like a storyteller.

        I’m with you…I definitely like heroes who change. With Captain America, I wonder…maybe he will have a chance to change more in a third movie. I mean, the first is an origin story, so the main change is him actually becoming a hero. The second is him dealing with waking up decades later. By a third movie, there could be more room for actual inner character transformation. (And of course, I’m totally basing this off movie viewing. For all I know, in the comic books he does change.)

        But it does bring up a really valid point about superheroes in general: Do we want to see them flawed and therefore changeable? Or do we want to see them as, well, perfect moral compass people? I’ve heard arguments on both sides. I know a lot of die-hard Superman fans were incredibly disappointed with Superman’s actions at the end of Man of Steel because it wasn’t true to the moral core of what makes him great. While some said it made him more relatable, a lot of die-hard fans said, “Look, the point isn’t to relate to Superman. It’s to look up to him.” It’s really an interesting discussion.

    39. This post is awesome! I am a huge superhero fan especially Marvel superheroes! The second I hear about a new Marvel film my sister and I make plans to see it in the theater. And we always, like any self respecting Marvel fan, stay till the very end of the credits! That being said I have so many superheroes I like Thor, The Arrow, The Flash, Iron Man, the X-Men, and Star-Lord but my favorite will always be Captain America! It didn’t hurt that his story began in my favorite time-period but more than that I love how just basically good he is and all that he stands for. Add to that, humor and good looks and you have a fantastic hero!

    40. What a GREAT post, just love this subject because we all love a superhero!!!
      My vote is for Natasha/Black Widow, she just rocks 🙂 I’m also going to say Captain America and Star Lord because my nephew loves them both (and I sooooo want Groot). I also love Agent Coulson from S.H.I.E.L.D., he’s not officially a superhero, but I do think he’s the best 🙂

    41. I’m a Superman fan from way back. And you can’t really argue with ALL the powers. Superman wins.
      However, I definitely have a soft spot for Star Lord (AKA Bert Macklin, FBI. And several of the X-men. And maybe Green Arrow…and Captain America. Hmm… Okay, maybe I just like superheros.

      1. Post
    42. I’m stuck between Wonder Woman & Captain America. Wonder Woman’s wrist cuffs are wicked hot and since I was diagnosed with MS I’ve always said that “if what doesn’t kill me will only make me stronger then I’m just short a lasso of truth – which would be wicked awesome – and an invisible plane short of being Wonder Woman!
      Then what I love about Captain America is that Steve Rogers was this scrawny, dorky guy who was always getting picked on and beat up, but he never let any of that stop him from trying to pursue his dreams to fight for his country and yet, he was the one chosen from all these big, buff, brawny soldiers to be Capt America because of his kind and generous soul, tenacity to fight for what he believed in, and his heart for others! (Plus he is pretty dreamy and who doesn’t love a man in uniform?!?)

    43. I would have to say Arrow from the TV show. He really struggles to do what is right and doesn’t have all the answers. He also listens to those around him

    44. My favorite superhero is Superman just because he can fly and I’d love to be able to fly like that without a special suit like Ironman has. Everyone else in my family’s favorite is Batman. My husband likes his handy tool belt that has everything you’d ever need.

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