Captain America vs. Thor (aka Melissa finally catches up)


Because every Monday could use a little superhero happiness.

Skinny jeans. Twitter. Downton Abbey.

All bandwagons it took me a really long time to join. Like, the bandwagon was out of sight and I had to pull a Carl Lewis to catch up.

I’m still lagging behind on the Snapchat front (I don’t get it!!), there’s a chance the new glasses I just got and am so proud of may actually be out of style by next week…and in about two years, I might try kale.

In other words, I’M SLOW.

Which is why I just this past weekend finally saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier


Only one thing disturbed me about it. And that was this little niggling thought about a third of the way into  the movie. Captain America had just done something cool. Like, you know, taken out a bazillion people in an elevator and broken his way out of S.H.I.E.L.D. when I thought this:

WHOA…what if Captain America is actually cooler than Thor?

I’ve been thinking about it off and on ever since, weighing all kinds of important factors like:


WWII. Nazis/Hydra. A Super-Soldier science experiment. Frozen for 70 years. I mean, really, there’s just no contest on that one. Point to Captain America.


Sometimes pictures speak louder than words:

3811071-2838087-thor (1)

Obvs. Point to Thor.


If you’ve ever heard Chris Hemsworth say anything, anything at all, then you know there’s no contest here. Point to Thor. 

TASTE…in women

Now, I’m a girl so perhaps giving men points for their taste in women hints at all kinds of bias, but since this is my blog and clearly a very subjective point system anyway, a little bias is only right. And since Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster is about the most boring love interest for a super hero EVER…Point to Captain America. 

Although, I was almost tempted to give this point to Thor solely because of this bit of cuteness: In Thor 2, Chris Hemsworth’s wife stood in for Portman in that final kissing scene. If ever movie trivia called for a collective awww…


That’s as far as I’ve gotten. Which surely you can understand because I only saw the movie a couple days ago. I’ll keep you updated regarding further developments of this incredibly important judging process.

But if you had to vote, who wins in your view: Thor or Captain America? And why?


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    Comments 74

      1. Post

        Who wouldn’t go on a date with Captain America, right? Even if you do like Thor better, a date with the Cap would be totally worth it just for a chance to talk to him about what it’s like to wake up decades after you’ve been frozen asleep. No worry about boring/awkward first date small talk there!

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        It means you have good taste in villains. He is the villain I’d most like to hang out with, for sure. Actually you may have just inspired next Monday’s super important blog post: Thor vs. Loki. 🙂

    1. Captain America gets my vote! He’s got the most gorgeous eyes and he’s incredibly hot. I love his personality-nice normal down to earth(as much a superhero can be) guy plus I still love his line in The Avengers: Natasha Romanoff: These guys come from legend. They’re basically gods.
      Steve Rogers: There’s only one God, ma’am, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t dress like that.
      Love me Captain America!!!

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    2. In fiction, Captain America. I sooooo want to be the one who teaches that handsome loner how to slow dance!!!!

      In real life, Chris Hemsworth. ‘Cause, as amazing a physical specimen as Chris Evans is, the interviews I’ve read of his kinda put him out in bizarro land. Plus Hemsworth has the whole devoted hubby-dad thing going on. 🙂

      But for fictional character plus real-life interesting guy, can I just give a shout-out to Iron Man/Robert Downey, Jr.? Of all the Avengers, he has the greatest character arc, and the way RDJ has turned his life and career around in the past 20+ years is just amazing.

      Honorable Mention to Tom Hiddleston. I wouldn’t mind helping him share that burden of glorious purpose. 😉

      1. Post

        Your breakdown here is pretty spectacular and very well thought-out. Kudos!

        I’ve seen photos of Chris Hemsworth with his wife and kids. Totally endearing. I didn’t realize Chris Evans was from, as you said, bizarro land, but that piques my interest, actually. (Making mental note to google him in a sec…)

        You know, I am sadly lacking in Robert Downey Jr knowledge, but I did enjoy the Iron Man movies. I liked the humor in them.

        And your Honorable Mention gets extra points. I love to throw out the “burdened with glorious purpose” line. Especially when attempting to do my hair in the morning or working out. 🙂

      2. Just read this post to my 18 year old daughter who agreed with everything you said. She was laughing and screaming and just plain enjoying your post.

    3. Captain America for sure! He is totally my FAV super hero EVER! I like him because he has morals and started out as a really wimpy kid who just wanted to help and serve his country, and that stays with him. He’s super caring, and, in my opinion QUITE good looking!

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        No argument there. 🙂 I have to admit that I wasn’t all that taken by the Cap in the first movie. I didn’t dislike him or the movie…but I didn’t walk away swooning either. In this second one, though, the gush factor definitely kicked in. He’s very honorable and that is always a good thing!

    4. I can’t do it, Melissa! This is too hard! I vote for both (cop out I know), but I also love the line that Melissa Glor quoted above, so maybe slight advantage to Captain America.

      1. Post
    5. Whew–this is a toughie. I’m a huge fan of superhero movies and I especially love this Marvel collection (Avengers is one of my favorite movies), so I’d have to say Thor for humor and Cap for looks (by a fuzz, and I mean a FUZZ). So, how about we call it a draw and just all love Loki? He’s the best anyway. Love me some Tom Hiddlesworth. (And look, I didn’t even mention that Henry Cavill’s Superman is hotter than all of them, anyway.).

      1. Post

        You know, I was never a fan of superhero movies…until my brother-in-law convinced me to give them a try. And I’ve been sucked in completely. It was funny, after seeing Captain America, I made my sister call my BIL to ask him some questions about connections between this movie and the others. LOL!

        And Loki…yes.

        As for Henry Cavill…the movie itself was only “okay” in my book. I mean, there were things I really liked about it. And things I really didn’t. But Henry Cavill definitely belongs in the “things I really liked” column.

    6. Oh my! You’ve hit my weakness. I grew up with a rabid comic book reader for a brother. It’s stuck with me! I like Captain America because the good values he exemplifies. Melissa G. that was also my favorite line. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the second movies.
      And yes, Melissa — I agree about bringing his wife in for the final scene. Major cool points!

      1. Post

        Yep, Captain American is just an all-around good guy. I really like that about him! Although…I also like wounded heroes, so it’d be interesting to see if movie makers ever take him to a darker place character-wise. I’d like to see him rise up from that. Although, hmm, maybe being frozen for 70 years is dark enough. And possibly letting him falter too much wouldn’t be true to his character.

    7. I gotta say Thor…I hate to admit I nearly fell asleep twice watching the first Captain America, and I like WW2 history! I spent my entire time trying to figure out how they made him look so scrawny/short when he later morphed…

      But I agree on Jane Foster. Thor: The Dark World was kind of a disappointment for me…I didn’t feel we really get that she’s supposed to be this geek-chic scientist.

      But still…I have to say Thor, just because he’s Viking and bearded and whatnot.

      1. Post

        Heather, I didn’t fall asleep during the first Captain America movie, but I will admit that I wasn’t as enraptured by it as some of my friends. The second one, though…totally wowed me!

        And yes, Jane Foster. She could be such a great character, but Natalie Portman’s portrayal is just…blah. Completely flat.

        And haha, I can see why you’d lean toward Thor with the Viking thing and all. 🙂

    8. Cap’n is the coolest. All American hero. If you don’t like Cap’n better you don’t love America, or Earth for that matter since Thor is from a different planet. 😉

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        That’s okay, Erika, they’re certainly not everybody’s piece of cake. I didn’t think I’d like them much either. But my brother-in-law convinced me to start watching and I’m finding I really like them. I make a lot of jokes about loving Thor/Chris Hemsworth but what actually keeps me watching is all the backstory, the mythology, the cool connections between the movies/characters…

    9. Hmmm…. I see I have some catching up to do. If you are slow than I’m the snail. Haven’t seen any of these yet. My husband isn’t a comic book fan or a over the top unrealistic action fan. But since I watched Warm Bodies on your recommendation and liked it. Then perhaps it’s time I watched these too. I wish there was a way to watch movies online together and discuss. MBT would benefit from that.

      1. Post

        OOH your movie advisor. I would really like that role. I wonder if I could make a job out of that. Some people have personal shoppers or personal chefs. I could be a personal movie advisor, fitting people and their viewing tastes to just the right movies. Love this idea!

        And I love that you liked Warm Bodies. That was such a fun movie and so crazy full of metaphors. I have a friend who is a pastor who said he could come up with a month or two’s worth of sermons from that movie.

    10. I’ll go with Thor. I liked Chris Hemsworth even from his short spot in Star Trek. I haven’t seen the movie yet, so now I look forward to it even more! 🙂

      1. Post

        Haha, that short spot in Star Trek scarred me. I didn’t even know he was going to be in the movie let alone [SPOILER] die within the first ten minutes. I just sat there with my mouth open, going “Why didn’t anyone warn me?!?!?!” 🙂

    11. Thor. Because of the Hair and Voice. But also because he chooses ordinary women. 🙂 Yay for him! But I would *happily settle* for Captain America. 🙂

      1. Post

        I do like that Thor chooses ordinary women, too. I may not like Natalie Portman’s portrayal of Jane Foster, but it is cool of him to pick a normal human. And I love your *happily settle.* 🙂 🙂

    12. Ahhh! This. Is. Too. Hard. Melissa, how could you make us choose?? 😉 *pulls myself together* I would probably go with Captain America just because he’s probably THE only hero who isn’t corrupted or bad. He knows where his loyalties lie and isn’t afraid to defend them. That is something to be admired. (And, of course, Chris E. plays him brilliantly.)

      That being said, I do like Thor. And all of the Avengers, flaws and all. 🙂

      1. Post

        I know, it is hard, isn’t it? I don’t know why I ask people to vote on such difficult topics!

        Yeah, all the Avengers are pretty great. I’m into some more than others, but all of it together is just a fun universe to get to hang around in for a couple hours. I think what it may come down to, for me, is loving Chris Hemsworth best but actually loving Captain America’s story better. But basically, there is room for loving ALL of them. 🙂

    13. 100% Captain America. He was a good guy from the start. He ALWAYS wanted to do the right thing, even when he was scrawny. Heck, I would take scrawny Cap. For the first half of the first Thor movie, I wanted to punch Thor for being such an arrogant jerk. I loved him by the end of the movie, but I can’t get over that first part. They are both pretty upstanding guys being two of the people able to lift Thor’s hammer and all, but I have permission from my mom to marry Captain America, which is always a plus. 😉 If I had to chose an actor from The Avengers (as I see some are doing), Tom Hiddleston all the way. He is such a sweet guy, good with kids, and physically, he is my type 99% (he’s just missing deep brown eyes, but I can live with his.)

      Overall, Cap wins my vote.

      1. Post

        LOL yes Thor did have the arrogant thing going for quite awhile. Amusing if not entirely admirable. But it’s hard for me to hold it against him when he has such great hair and such a great voice. I mean, honestly, if I was that cool, I might be arrogant too. LOL! But you’re right, Captain America was a good guy from the start.

        And yes…Tom Hiddleston is pretty great. I’d love for Loki to get his own movie.

      1. Post

        He is cool. For sure! My favorite thing in the second movie was when he was on the intercom inside S.H.I.E.L.D. inspiring the rest of the agents to stand up to the Hydra people. That’s what the best superheroes do, after all, inspire normal people to greatness!

    14. Ha! Oh Melissa, I love you and your humor! And this whole conversational topic is amazing as well. We really need to get coffee some day – I think we’d have a blast talking about the most random things.

      But…to the topic. I’d say we must consider that Thor did come from another world and that sometimes he acts like it. Though he’s out for the greater good of humanity, I still think he considers himself better than humans (just a smidge). BUT, Captain America stuck it out (froze-it out?) for 40 years and has still kept his values from the 40s and the idea of fighting along side his fellow Americans for what’s right. Something I just LOVE about him. So my vote goes to the traditionalist – Captain America 😀

      1. Post

        We DO need to get coffee sometime. Any chance you’ll be at the ACFW conference in Sept?? If so, we have to hang out!

        And I like that you bring in Captain America’s values and fighting for what’s right. That really is what makes him “great” versus just “super.”

      1. Post
    15. love your thoughts and blog posts, you bring up excellent points and make me laugh while reading them 🙂 another vote for Thor and TOTALLY agree on his love interest being boring….although she DOES have super great smarts going on (and Darcy makes up for anything boring)! my fave parts of winter soldier were black widow and Sam, i need to have humor and friendship with these action films 🙂 I don’t consider you slow, you’re writing brilliant books while everyone else is at the movies. Hugs and blessings, Melissa, you always make me smile!

      1. Post

        Yay, glad you got a good laugh. And yeah, I really like having a smart heroine…agreed on that, for sure. Just wish Natalie Portman’s portrayal was a little less flat. Although, maybe it’s not fair to blame her. In the second movie, especially, she spends more time sorta zoned out than actually doing anything. And I liked Darcy too!

        And thanks for such a kind and encouraging comment!!

    16. Okay, I confess that I have never seen Thor (*gasp*)! Big shocker, I know, right? I didn’t see the first Captain America movie until like the week before the second one hit theaters, though. I think I might actually be slower than you on the whole bandwagon thing, Melissa. 🙂
      So, I read a few of the comments just to get an idea about Thor. I really don’t know what it’s about, so I will be hanging out with Google after this. In my totally uninformed opinion, I like the Cap. He was cool in the first movie (my fav of the two) and I love the shield! It is just so cool! And his buddy, Sam, in the second movie – I liked him too. His Falcon suit/wings thing, was totally awesome! My biggest issue with the second movie was the extra carnage. It seems like whenever they make a sequel, more people have to die in it than in the first one, which I thought had more than enough dead people, you know? I know that probably sounds crazy, ’cause it’s an action movie, but it really bothered me.
      I do agree with you about Chris Helmsworth’s voice! I love it and the accent is sigh worhty, but I’m a sucker for any accent, so, yeah. 🙂
      So, there you have it. My uninformed opinion of Thor vs. The Cap. I may watch Thor after I find out what it’s about. If so, I will definitely come back and give a real opinion of the two movies. 🙂
      Thanks for the fun discussion, Melissa!

      1. Post

        It’s okay that you haven’t seen Thor yet…that just means you have something to look forward to. LOL!

        I loved Sam in the second movie, too! He was one of my favorite parts of it. What I so liked about that character was that he was a good guy who saw an opportunity to help out, make a difference, use his talents…and he did.

        And yes, quite a few more people did die in the second Captain movie. That’s definitely true. I will say, one of the things I liked about it, though, was that it had the good guys and bad guys in direct contact with each other, facing off because it felt fitting of its WWII roots…I kept thinking about that as I was watching it.

    17. Oh Melissa!!! Difficult choices!!!!!

      That is also my favorite line from all of the assorted Avengers Universe movies.

      I saw an author say something like:
      Captain America was a big giant backstory. What we, as writers are told to dribble in here and there but never in big chunks like, you know, a whole movie. (that’s my interpretation of what an author said anyway)

      Winter Soldier = much better. We actually took the kids to a matinee on opening weekend – yes – it was expensive [6 of us and all] but the cheap movies are now 3.50 and the matinee was 5 bucks so not THAT much more and cushie recliners instead of the horrid old seats.

      But Thor? Captain America? Can we smush them and make them Captain Thor?

      We got a new [to us] dog a few weeks ago and have been discussing names. I wanted Mister Loki but I was outvoted [I put a big ol’ veto on Mister Frodo – no LotR, Harry Potter, Divergent, or Hunger Games names].

      My favorite part of Thor 2? When they’re walking and Loki morphs into Captain America ;).

      1. Post

        HAHAH Captain Thor. I would be cool with that!

        Question! What did you end up naming your dog? Or are you still trying to come to a consensus.

        I loved that part of Thor 2 as well. Fun, fun stuff…I kept hoping there’d be a Thor cameo in Captain America…

        1. We still have no name. I’m pushing for Mister Crockett [but my family would have no idea about Karen Witemeyer’s Archer books ;)]. I’m putting off calling the vet for a check up [he had one from the shelter but still] because we don’t have a name yet ;).

          Captain Thor would be more Captain America like but look more like Thor. I think.

          Thor with sunglasses ;).

          1. love your comment, Carol! Captain Thor works perfectly AND with the EXACT combo you described!! 🙂 also agree with you on the name, Mister Crockett is a great idea and surely would be utterly loved 🙂 hope you all agree soon, but it’s sooo cool how this an important family decision!

          1. Post
    18. Out of the two, I would pick Loki! 🙂 He has the best lines and really does care about Thor in away…even though he stabs him several times and all of that.

      I like Thor though. The first movie and the coffee, priceless. Second movie, him and Loki and the bantering.

      1. Post

        I love that we have so many Loki fans around here today. He honestly creeped me out SO much in the first Thor movie just because those villains who are halfway good/halfway bad always have a much bigger effect on me. But as much as he creeped me out, I also LOVED him. 🙂 Loved the bantering too!

    19. Super fun post, Melissa (pun intended!).

      Captain America, absolutely. Who doesn’t like the guy that would dive onto the grenade to save everyone (first movie) and beat up everyone in the elevator, but first asked if anyone wanted out (second movie)? He cares so deeply and always tries to do the right thing, even when the lines of right and wrong get blurred. So my type of guy.


      1. Post

        Haha yes, I loved that line when he asked if anyone wanted out! Awesome. And yes, always trying to do the right thing even when the lines are blurry…so true. 🙂

    20. Thor wins. A little girls superhero in the Adventures of Babysitting. How classic is that. Has Captain America made any appearances like that in movies?

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    21. That is such an unfair question. You can’t make me decide. Although, I could get on board with Carol’s idea….hmmm, Captain Thor… 😉

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    22. Until I did one of those quizzes recently about which Avenger I’d be, I would have said Thor (well, Iron Man really but he’s not in this post). I came out as the big Captain! And that’s great – he’s pretty cool (even if he isn’t played by an Aussie) especially as he said perhaps my favourite line from the Avengers movie: “Hulk – SMASH!”

      Love your work once again, Melissa.

      1. Post

        LOL I like that you got Captain America! But intriguing that you’d have said Iron Man if he was an option. 🙂 And that is a fun line from the Avengers, for sure!

      1. Post

        Is this my cousin Mikaela?? The one I talked to about Captain America on Easter?? 🙂 If this IS you, Nicole and I have been talking about wanting to come up to Minn sometime to hang out with you and Abby. We could go to the Mall of America or something. How fun would that be?

        If this is NOT my cousin, well, hey, I can still hang out in Minneapolis with you sometime even if I don’t know you… 🙂

        1. Yes, that’s Kaela. But don’t listen to her comment about Captain America. She and I kind of have a war going on about which is better. 🙂

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    23. Between the two I would DEFINITELY choose Thor. However, Loki is my absolute favorite. He has so many funny lines and scenes, especially in Thor 2.

      1. Post

        I love Loki too! He’s so great…actually, I think next week I might do a Thor vs. Loki post. Because it seems there are a lot of Loki fans around here. Between those two, I don’t know which I’d choose. Loki is clearly the funniest. But I’d never have to worry Thor would suddenly turn on me…but still…AHH I don’t know which I like better!

    24. Yep! 🙂 It’s me! It would be awesome if we could all hang out like that! I should warn you though….I’m the Captain America fan in my family. Abby is the Thor fan. Let’s just say we had a pretty good argument about who is better! 😀 I hope I get to see you soon!

      1. Post

        SWEET! Okay, so I’m telling Nicole we have to make this happen. We can come up some Saturday or something this summer and all hang out. And we can argue about superheroes the whole time!

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    25. I love really great characters, and the Cap/Black Widow relationship in CA2 is a cracker. I’m an aspiring novelist, so I look at these characters and relationships to make my hero and heroine even more funny/interesting, and their relationship more awesome.
      I went home from watching CA2 and told my housemate that I am officially engaged to Steve Rogers (aka Captain America) because no other man will do!
      Now, on purely a looks (and voice) basis, yeah Thor wins hands-down.
      But the Cap wins based on personality. Thor is amazing, but Captain America was self-sacrificing before he ever was a superhero. (The grenade scene in CA1 is one of my favourites!) Plus, when he got his powers, he stayed just as self-sacrificing. And then, after ‘dying’ once already, he *SPOILER ALERT* continued to lay his life on the line for a friend who was trying to kill him. That kinda love can even make a guy with a mustache look hot!
      And can I say it again, even with no real love story between them Cap and Natasha Romanov make a great team. A team that kept me glued to the screen for two hours.
      It’s that kind of teamwork I’m writing into my own book. Hopefully I’ll be guest blogging about it soon too!

    26. Well speaking of slow to join something…I’ve had this post open on my laptop since you posted it but I’ve been so busy that I just now got around to reading it! I definitely say Captain America wins-no contest! I mean, c’mon he has it all! Incredibly good looking, strong, kind, gentlemanly, believes in God, and there’s the whole adorableness factor with him not getting everything that’s going on! Plus I love the WWII era so he gets points for that too! That all being said I still do really love Thor, just not as much as Steve!

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