Introducing published teenage author Stephanie Kehr

Before I introduce today’s guest, I have to tell you that even though I’ve never met her in person, she’s probably one of the most patient people ever. The first time she contacted me, I think it took me almost a month to respond. And I can’t count how many times I’ve started emails to her with “I’m so sorry, but…” (Basically, I want to blame my inbox…I think it’s out to get me. But really, I think I’m just losing my organization skills little by little.)

Today’s wonderfully patient and super kind guest is Stephanie Kehr, whose upcoming debut novel, Reaching Home, will be releasing from Ellechor Publishing. And while you can learn lots of fun stuff about Stephanie by visiting her website, here’s my favorite fun fact: She’s seventeen. 

Enjoy the Q&A!


1) We’ll get to the fact that you’re going to be published at a super young age soon, but first, can you tell us a little about your book, Reaching Home?

StephanieKehrHeadShotReaching Home is a contemporary Christian fiction YA novel inspired by some of the colorful people one of my dear friends met when she moved to a small town out west. It’s a character- driven novel about a young girl whose world is suddenly turned upside down, forcing her to a search for real answers, a real faith, and a real home.

2) One of the very cool and unique things about you is…your age. I mean, it’s not unusual to be 17 but it is unusual to be a contracted author at 17! How do you balance college with writing? What got you started writing?

A creative writing class got me started when I was twelve. I got so excited that I began writing books that year.

At fourteen, I wrote, “Get published” on a sticky note and tagged it to my desk.
At fifteen, I finished my first book.
A year later, at sixteen, I wrote Reaching Home and started looking into traditional publishing. I always fantasized about getting published as a teen.

Yes, I am in college. 🙂 I started dual enrollment through a program called CollegePlus last year, so I do have a bit of a head start, which has been helpful. Since I do school online through CLEP tests, my schedule can be more flexible. Still, my current balancing act is…less than desirable. I love it, but I’m still trying to figure it out.

3) Are there any author or book favorites that inspire or impact your writing?

I really like your writing. 🙂 (Melissa: Yay, thank you!) The Bible inspires everything I write. I also have an unhealthy obsession with Stepping Heavenward and Hinds Feet on High Places, and anything by Elisabeth Elliot. I read a lot of well crafted kids books, actually, and classics. Contemporary isn’t usually my thing, but I’ll read anything and everything.

4) What do you hope readers take away from Reaching Home?

Brought up as a church-going homeschooler and Sunday school dress-wearer, I’ve run into a lot of the “good kids,” who understand the faith language, but don’t really understand what it means to have a personal relationship with Christ. I wrote Reaching Home to show those kids what it looks like when you truly understand the gift of salvation.

5) Do you plan to keep writing books? Any other fun plans on the horizon post-college?

Books, yes! I could write stories forever. I have two projects in the works—a fictional allegory of the book of Song of Solomon and a semi-historical fiction book that fights for the sanctity of human life from an unusual angle.

Post college…I hope to get married one day, be a stay-at-home mom, homeschool a posy of kids, and write more books—if it’s possible to do that with kids. I kind of doubt I’d be very productive, but you never know what the future holds!


Stephanie is a seventeen-year-old dreamer, child of God, and story crafter. She began penning novels as a tender twelve-year-old and completed her book, Reaching Home, at sixteen.

If she isn’t too busy dreaming up kingdoms and reciting poetry, Stephanie plans to graduate with an English degree before her nineteenth birthday. Currently living with her homeschooling family of eight, she hopes to get married one day and move to an isolated cabin by the sea.

Connect with Emily on Facebook, Twitter (@Stephanie_Kehr) or her website. 

All right, readers, let’s get honest: I’m going to guess most of us weren’t pursuing publication at seventeen. So what were YOU doing at seventeen?


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    Comments 21

    1. This book sounds really good! I totally want to read it! I love hearing about teen authors, they always impress me so much!
      As for what I was doing at 17…I got my high school diploma just a couple weeks after turning 17, I went on a mission trip to Mexico, I took over my sister’s blog, and began reviewing books! So nothing crazy huge but it was a good year!

      1. Post

        Seventeen was a good year for me too. I must’ve started school a little late because I think I was only in my junior year when I was seventeen. Or I’m doing my math wrong. Which is totally a possibility…

        Yeah probably at seventeen I was sitting in a math class and it was all going in one ear and out the other…

        1. Haha, you are probably doing your math right! I was homeschooled and started a bit earlier than normal! When you have 5 older siblings doing school it’s easy to pick stuff up and I also had them to help me!

    2. Way to go, Stephanie. I loved this interview. I’m a wife, homeschooling mom of 2 and published writer also. I wasn’t pub’d when I was 17 though…so keep it up! 😉 I love hearing these type of stories from the HSing community…I can’t wait to share it with my 13 y/o niece who is an aspiring writer also and HS’d. My daughters are only 3 & 6…we’ll see if they get the writing bug. 😉 Congrats!!!!

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        Thanks for stopping by, Elizabeth. As soon as I saw your name it hit me that I’ve got your book on my kindle, I believe, but I haven’t read it yet. Can’t wait to dig into it!

    3. A pleasure to meet you, Stephanie! And how exciting to reach your first milestone at 17! Congratulations!

      What was I doing at 17? I’d just started my senior year in H.S. and was filling out college apps!

      1. Post

        Oh college apps. 🙂 I had a super easy college decision. I basically went on one college visit, loved it and decided that’s where I was going. Done. If only ALL decisions were that ridiculously easy.

    4. So cool to meet you, Stephanie. How exciting to have your first book contract!

      At 17, I graduated high school and went off to college. In some ways, it doesn’t seem that long ago, but oh, how I’ve changed and grown since then! 🙂

      1. Post

        Yeah, it’s weird how sometimes high school really doesn’t feel all that far back…and then sometimes it feels like a lifetime ago. I think I was way more focused then BUT that’s because I’m SO old and most of us didn’t even have phones then and there was no facebook so basically it was way easier to pay attention to everything. 🙂

    5. Love meeting you!! I completely connect with the homeschool aspect as I’m currently HSing my kiddos. So this post encouraged me on many, many levels today:) Can’t wait to nab your book.

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        I can’t wait to read Stephanie’s book either, Susan.

        AND I can’t wait til your books are out there, too…because ever since that sneak peek I got from you, I’m hooked on your writing. 🙂

    6. Stephanie, congratulations on having your first book published! That is such exciting news. 🙂

      At seventeen, I was in my last year of high school (as a homeschooler) and writing screenplays. Looking back at those screenplays, I didn’t know much about the craft of writing besides telling a story. Let’s just say the middles of my stories back then left a lot to be desired. Thank the Lord I kept learning and reading and reading and learning. Now I don’t have as much trouble with the slumpy middles. At least, I’m pretty sure.

      Melissa, I love your interviews. They’re short and to the point, but you have a gift for drawing out a lot of information in just a few questions. Must be the reporter in you. 🙂


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        I’m really glad you like the interviews, Andrea. Yep, I’m guessing the brevity is left over from my reporter days. Haha!

        I had no idea you once wrote screenplays! Do you plan to write any more in the future or are you focused on novels now?

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    7. At 17, I’d known my husband-to-be for a year. We didn’t ever date in high school, though – in fact he had a girlfriend our senior year, when I really liked him. Now it’s fun to look back and realize we’ve known each other longer than we haven’t. 🙂

      Way to go, Stephanie!

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    8. What was I doing at seventeen…? Yikes, I cannot remember… probably still in my last year of homeschooled high school and discovering just how much I loved writing. 🙂

      Great to meet you, Stephanie. Congrats on your upcoming novel and those upcoming plans. Sounds like a great future! 🙂

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