Gilmore Guys (a guest series) . . . MARTY! featuring Amy Haddock and a giveaway


For readers who’ve been here the past two Fridays: It’s Gilmore Guys day again! I am having a blast with these guest posts and giveaways and I hope you are, too.

For readers who haven’t been here the past two Fridays: Inspired by the multiple reviews my latest book, Here to Stay, has received comparing it to the TV show Gilmore Girls, every Friday on the blog this summer is Gilmore Guys Friday! We’re talking about all our favorite male characters with guest posts from some of my Gilmore-loving friends AND doing Gilmore-related giveaways. (Giveaways are open to anyone in the U.S. or Canada even if you don’t like or know GG!)

Today, Amy Haddock is with us to talk about one of the guys on the show who doesn’t appear on many episodes…but who makes an impression all the same: MARTY. Amy is a full-time book marketer and someone I’ve had the fun of getting to know because of our shared Gilmore love. Check out her fabulous post and then enter the giveaway for a Copper Boom notebook, $5 Starbucks gift card and a copy of Here to Stay.


From Naked Guy to Boyfriend: A Plea for the Every Man

There are few things that have the power to bond total strangers instantly. Church, attending the same college, the universal truth that is chocolate…and being a fan of Gilmore Girls. Which is how I met the fabulous Melissa Tagg.

So, you don’t know me and I don’t know you, but boy do I know the Gilmore Girls. I know it so well, in fact, that when the opportunity came up to write about one of the Gilmore Guys, I chose Marty.

UntitledIf you’re tempted to stop reading now, I can’t really blame you. Marty only appeared in ten episodes (seasons 4, 5, and 7) and didn’t boast a leather jacket with a side of attitude OR access to a yacht like some other more…shall we say…high-profile members of the cast did. But let me explain.

For approximately 7 of the 10 episodes, Marty drops into the show at Yale University like a breath of normal…no super fast-talking or obscure pop-culture references. Just heart-tugging references to his lack of finances, his loyal friendship to Rory, and his steady attempts to win her affection. Marty is the “every man”.

Many of us ARE Marty, or at the very least know a Marty.

As a full disclaimer, I should probably let you know that I kind of have a thing for the best friend character. I rooted for Dawson and Joey. I was crushed when Felicity picked Ben. You could say that my television past is littered with heartbreak – and you’d be right. These television people just do NOT get me. I’ve learned to live with disappointment. (Insert sob here.)

For those of you that have no idea what I’m talking about, here’s a little context.

We first meet Marty after Rory’s first college party. He’s laying face down in the hallway outside her dorm room without a single stitch of clothing on so it’s little wonder that he earns the nickname “Naked Guy”. Rory kindly nudges him awake (without touching him directly, of course) and loans him her robe so he can make it back to his room.

Amy Sherman-Palladino [the fabulous writer of the first six GG seasons] could have left things at that, chalking it up to a college experience for Rory, but instead Marty comes back in several episodes later as Rory rushes to the cafeteria for breakfast in her pajamas and fuzzy slippers because Paris turned off her alarm and almost made her miss breakfast. Marty, having been too intimidated to approach Rory after his not-so-wonderful first impression, finally feels her apparel places them on semi-equal footing and drags a reluctant Rory along to introduce her to the “breakfast club” of friends he assembled.  And a friendship is born.

Oh, Marty.  Loveable, loyal, sometimes scarf-wearing Marty. He falls for Rory (who wouldn’t?) and finally confesses it after Rory starts to casually date Logan. And while I should make it clear that I’m firmly in the #TeamLogan camp, there was a part of me that really wanted Marty to have a shot with Rory. How can you not root for a guy who is stuck in this situation? :

Untitled We don’t know much about Marty, but here’s what we do know:

  • He loves I Love Lucy and The Three Stooges, so he’s into vintage shows just like the Lorelais (
  • He’s strapped for cash – a typical broke college student
  • He comes through in a pinch – when Rory “loses” Anna, the Chilton student visiting Yale, he’s the first one she calls.
  • He knows the value of left-overs
  • He’s not weak – he has a backbone when dealing with Paris and is quick to lay things on the line when he realizes he can’t be “just friends” with Rory.
  • He’s got his pride – he doesn’t let Logan pay for him even when he’s in a sticky situation.
  • He loves to learn – he and Rory are the first embarrassingly early ones to class during their first week at Yale.

Now, it’s a really good thing that I had seasons four and five to bond with Marty because I have no explanation for the weird Marty that joins us in season 7, except to say that his character no doubt fell victim to the same pen that brought us the April Nardini twist of 2005. Poor Marty. It pains me to bring you up to speak on his final episodes, but I shall press on.


Marty rejoins the cast as “Boyfriend”, one of Rory’s new friend Lucy’s beau. He’s never referred to by name but when Rory finally meets him face to face, she recognizes him instantly…and he pretends to have never met her before. This eventually becomes a huge dramatic moment when Logan reveals the truth on a double-date with Marty and Lucy. As a result, Lucy and Rory’s relationship hit a rough patch and only recovers with interference from the ever-straight-shooter Paris. (Gotta love her.)

I have no idea why this kerfuffle was necessary and it always hit me as totally contrary to Marty’s character. Which is, I suppose, why I have very little problem glossing over season 7 Marty in my mind. And I suggest you do the same.

Since this blog post is probably longer than Marty’s actual screen-time, I’ll wrap up. Marty may not have been right for Rory – she never seemed to feel a spark on her end of things, and that’s totally legit. But sometimes, isn’t it nice to think that a normal person, without the trappings of wealth or a “bad boy” persona could get the girl? That a nice guy could finish first? That TV could – just once – promote the idea that the very friend that seems romantically unextraordinary could end up being everything you could ever need or want?

If you think I’m the only one that feels this way, I give you this super lengthy video that someone put together that considers the path not taken:

I’m just saying, give Marty a chance, folks. That’s all I ask.


Giveaway Time!

The winner of last week’s giveaway is Mippy Foofalina! Congrats, Mippy. I’ll email you soon for details on where to send your prize package.

This week I’m giving away a Copper Boom notebook (the “Copper Boom!” convo in Gilmore Girls happens during an episode where Rory is getting ready to leave for college…which is where she meets Marty), a $5 Starbucks gift card and a copy of my book. Enter below! You’ve got til next Thursday.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

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    Comments 31

      1. Post
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        I know! And then overprivileged Logan offers to pay for him and I just want to slug the guy…actually I shouldn’t say that. This is Amy’s day on the blog and she’s TeamLogan. (Plus, I realize Logan was just trying to be nice. Plus, this is just a TV show. 🙂 )

    1. I believe I’m going to have to see if I can find Gilmore Girls on DVD somewhere, so that this discussion actually makes sense. 🙂
      I do like the idea that the “normal” friend could “get the girl” and it sounds like Marty is a character I might really like. The whole “bad boy” or “rich guy” thing is so overdone, anyway. And it almost never actually works out like that in real life. Plus, the bad boy is usually such a pain in the rear that I always have to wonder what the lead sees in him. Anyway, thanks for a fun post! I enjoyed it, even not really knowing what’s going on. 🙂

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        Yeah, Marty is definitely, as Amy said, the every man…the normal, good guy who tries to do the right thing (well until S7 that is). Glad you thought the post was fun even if you haven’t watched GG! Sadly, Netflix doesn’t have GG…Amazon has episodes you can rent or buy, though!

      2. Try the library – they seem to be like a video store these days! I like to try before I buy, but I think the DVD’s are pretty reasonable at this point since GG has been off the air for so long. Start with season one and see if you aren’t hooked!

    2. Aw Marty – I loved him! I totally root for the “good boy” (but with flaws so they aren’t boring) in my fictional worlds! (On one of my other favorite shows, Bones, there is a conversation between the female lead and another character about how girls always like the bad boy. The female lead says that isn’t true – she always likes the good boy! I cheered from my couch! And in the end the “good boy” gets her!)

      And off-topic but I am on “TeamRoryfoundhermanonthebusfollowingObama” I don’t think any of the guys on the show were her forever guy. Jess 2.0 may have come the closest, but even then, I think she would need someone who was a little more fun and lighthearted.

      Thanks for all the Gilmore Girls posts – lets talk favorite episodes or scenes after we run out of boys!

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        I hear you on none of the guys on the show being exactly right. I was one of the few (among people I know anyway) who was actually happy she ended the series unattached. It just felt right for her character, especially after several seasons of her floundering and making stupid decisions. She finally got to go off and pursue her dream.

        Although, in Melissa-world, years later she re-encounters Jess 2.0 and they have a second chance. 🙂

        OOH we should talk favorite episodes next! I had planned on this series just running through the end of July but honestly it’s been so fun, we might have to extend it!

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        Marty’s a good guy! If you start watching the show, just know that you won’t encounter Marty until you’re further down the road season-wise. It’s definitely a fun and witty show.

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        Yeah, me too. Don’t tell the Logan fans but I always wished Rory would’ve given Marty a chance over Logan. Then again, Marty was a lot like first-season Dean so maybe the writers felt like they’d already been there, done that.

    3. I was so excited to see a post about Marty because he really was one of my favorite characters. I have a special place in my heart for the “friend” winning the girl instead of the bad boy or popular heart throb because that’s what happened to me. I married my best friend from high school and it’s been a wonderful four years. To me (and the area in which I grew up) that’s more of a reality is, and it’s great! For the sake of the series, I’m on “Team Jess” actually, I never did like Logan, but Marty always remained an under appreciated character. (I try to block Season 7 Marty from memory).

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        Oh happy that you married your high school best friend, Renee!

        I’m Team Jess too. Same as you, I never cared for Logan (though I will admit, he had his great moments) and wish Marty could’ve at least had a chance. And YES to blocking out Season 7 Marty. I love how Amy recapped Marty here–she totally did him justice.

    4. “These television people just do NOT get me. I’ve learned to live with disappointment. (Insert sob here.)”

      Story. Of. My. Life.

      Really nice work on this post!

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    5. i’m #teamlogan too, amy. but i have to say, i’d like to be #teameatjunkalldayandnevergetfat like the lorelais. 🙂

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    6. I love Marty! It’s sad that Rory never gave him a chance. I get that Jess had the bad boy image that so many girls like, and Logan had the rich boy charisma that gets him out of anything but Marty was more like Dean…the best friend that knows everything about you, good and bad, and loves you anyway. I’m still very #teamLogan but it would have been nice to see the underdog win the girl! 🙂

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        I’m pretty hard core #TeamJess myself but I think Marty would’ve been my second choice for Rory (that is, if we’re excluding the S7 version of Marty). I think they could’ve gone so much deeper into Marty’s character too…the whole working to put himself through Yale thing and all that…

    7. To be honest, when I first saw the title of this post, I could not remember who Marty was! I did really like his character! I do wish we knew more about him. I think my favorite boy-next-door character would be Cory Matthews from Boy Meets World. I think he was so sweet!

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