If Best = Random, then these are my best ACFW Conference tips…

If you are NOT a writer or are not attending the upcoming ACFW Conference in Indianapolis, I apologize for the irrelevance of this post. If you ARE a writer and are attending ACFW, then I apologize for the off-the-wallness of this post.


I couldn’t decide which photo of last year’s conference to paste up here,
so I went with the conference logo. Decisions are hard.

So the ACFW Conference is coming up soon. This is one of my absolute favorite times of the year. I LOVE hanging out with other authors and industry professionals. I have a blast every year and every year I come home with loads of memories. (As well as loads of laundry, loads of business cards and loads of “I think I may need to go through caffeine detox” guilt.

There are tons of awesome posts all around the blogosphere right now with tips and advice for conference time. Really great suggestions to help us be prepared and go into the conference confident and savvy about what to expect.

However, there are some tips, observations and bits of advice I haven’t seen covered in the other articles out there. Very important stuff I’ve picked up in my three years of attendance. So for today’s post, I offer:

Melissa’s Best Random Conference Tips

1) If you’re going to get on stage to lead a morning devotion in front of 700 people, realize that if you mention a certain football player’s name more than five times during your talk, you are tied to him from there on out. Not that I know anything about that…

2) Get ready for the fun and awkwardness of the “are we at the hugging stage yet?” moments. I LOVE this. There are so many people you run into at conferences that you’ve kinda gotten to know online. Maybe you exchanged emails or regularly read each other’s blogs. Maybe your social media friendship is stellar.

So when you meet said person in real life there’s that hilarious slew of anxious mental questions in those first moments: “Uh, do we know each other well enough to hug? Are you a hugger? Am I? Wait, we’re such different heights, this hug could be weird. WHERE DO MY ARMS GO?!”

3) Get on a first-name basis with the Starbucks guy. Or in my case, a last-name basis. Last year it made me so happy that the coffee guy called me Miss Tagg and knew my order each time I stopped by (which was kind of a lot). We probably WERE at hugging stage by the end of the conference.

4) Have your response already prepared for the inevitable, “Whoa, you look different in person than you do online!” comments.

I like to go with, “Good different or bad different?” Since people tend to err towards politeness in these situations, you’re sure to get a “good different” response…and then you will feel happy if slightly skeptical.

5) If you happen to need to give an award speech, try not to start off with “Holy crap.” Or, if you do, be prepared for someone to chase you down in the lobby the next day by yelling, “Hey Holy Crap Girl!”

6) Sometimes you will talk to people for ten minutes without realizing who they are. You will talk in your usual informal way not knowing this person is an agent/editor/author. And then you will ask if they’re pitching anything…and they will give you an “Oh honey, you’re so confused” look, at which time you will catch a glimpse of their nametag. You will feel stupid.

But hey, at least you didn’t give them an awkward hug…

7) Your cheeks will hurt by the end of the conference from smiling. Don’t worry. This is to be expected. They’ll feel better soonish.

8) Wonderful things happen late at night. Like dramatic readings of kissing scenes in books (I really want to mention names here, but I’m refraining) or Skyping with friends who couldn’t make it to the conference or the eating of too many snacks or shouting to be heard in the crowded hotel lounge.

In other words, some people will tell you to get sleep so you feel alert and coherent the next day. Which is probably 100% good advice. But in case you’re interested in my only 50% as good advice, it’s this: Take advantage of these few days. Sleep a bit, but what you don’t get in sleep, make up for in caffeine consumption. It’s worth it.

But be sure to bring enough concealer to cover up the circles under your eyes.

Unless you’re a guy. In which case, circles under your eyes are better than makeup under your eyes.

That is all!

Okay, what’s your best off-the-wall conference tip? Or funniest conference occurrence? Or if you’re not a writer, wow, you made it all the way to the end of the post?? 

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    Comments 51

    1. I’m snorting! So funny! And I’m a hugger regardless how long I’ve known you and generally I don’t care if I’ve invaded your space. lol

      I want in on the kissing scene action this year. Just sayin.

    2. I so identify. One more thing you could do–talk with an editor and say something like, my friend writes for your publisher and go on and on about how much your friend loves them, etc. Of course the editor will ask who your friend is…and when she doesn’t recognize the name you realize you’ve gotten the publishers mixed up. A word of advice. Less words to an editor is always good.

    3. HA! So funny. I am not a hugger by nature, but found last year that many writers are! LOL So I got over myself by about day 2 and gave out lots of awkward hugs. I’m 6′.Then add heels. All hugging is awkward. LOL

      Thanks for the morning laugh:)

    4. Ok, so I just typed out a fabulously entertaining comment which disappeared 🙁 Now, you’ll just get the ordinary one!

      Think of me! I’ve go cultural issues 🙂 So, I’ve discovered that I will need to learn, especially for ACFW, a new hugging technique – the side hug! Here’s the thing, in Oz we do the cheek kiss (yep, lips to cheek, no air kisses thanks) closely followed by the full hug and back tap combo. But here’s the rub, we don’t really differentiate between men and women. I’ve since learned I might be considered somewhat brazen (not a good thing at a Christian event!) should I do the kiss/hug combo to the men. Oops! So, I’m practising the side hug but it’s a weird kind of manoeuvre!

      Anyway, given that I’m sure to rock the American PC boat I’m just stating it here that I’m from convict stock ( yep, one of my greats stole a calf and got sent to Van Diemans land aka Tasmania, Australia) so I can blame any faux pas on my ancestors 😉

      Please tell me you’re a forgiving lot!!

      1. If it makes you feel any better, Rel, my mother-in-law has been researching family history and discovered that, yes, there is a cattle rustler in our family origins — and he was hung for his offense! HUNG! (Or is it “hanged?”)
        Go ahead, be not-PC with me. Hug and cheek-kiss away with me!

      2. I totally think you should do the kissing thing, Rel. So, I studied in London in college and a few years later, one of my British friends came to visit me. He kissed lots of the people he met here…and people thought it was like the coolest thing ever. (And then they’d say things like, “Say something. Anything. I want to hear your accent.” Apparently we are very easily entertained here in the midwest.)

        Anyway, all that say I’m all for the brazen kissing. Why not spice things up?!

      3. I’m still struggling with this side hug protocol, Rel. All or nothing (ie a handshake) for me.

        Melissa, promise to not mention a certain footballer, unless you give me a side hug, then all bets are off.!

        Your posts always put a smile on my face, Melissa. Hooray!

      4. Beth ~ knew you were a kindred spirit in more ways than one 😉

        Melissa ~ I think I just need to say ‘scheduled’ a lot! The DEBs seemed to find it fascinating – hehe!

        We can show ’em how it’s done, Ian!

    5. Love this, Melissa!! I always go in for the hug. It scares people. I can’t help it.

      You might have included a stalker-clause because honestly, I ran into the same people over and over and they probably thought I was stalking them! Maybe I was–who knows?

      Can’t wait to see you again!

      1. I have become more of a hugger over the years although I still feel this need to assess whether the other person actually wants me to hug them. Haha!!

        Stalker-clause. I like that. Hmm, now I sorta want to write a post for next week about how to stealthily stalk the people you want to meet at conference. Yes, I’m doing it. I will credit the idea to you!

      1. Oh yeah, I’ve had that too! Where you’re like, wait, have we actually met in person before or not? Do we know each other or do I just know all about you because I’ve creeped on you online? Not that I’m an online creeper. I’m really mostly not. Mostly.

    6. I am loving all these conference blog posts floating around FB. It’s been six long years since my last conference, and while I’ve met a number of people online this year, I’ve not had the privilege of connecting in person. Can’t wait to remedy that!

      Gonna start stocking up on sleep…now. 🙂

    7. My advice, make sure your name tag is visible at all times. Otherwise you’ll talk to this author you know in the elevator in front of everyone in the elevator completely chummy, talking about things you’ve already talked about but you’re missing the clue that their eyebrows have drawn down in the middle in confusion on how this “stranger” knows so much about them. And while you’re chatting away, they lean over and pull your name tag up so they can figure out who you are……which totally makes you feel like you’ve just been exposed as a stalker in front of an elevator full of people. So. Nametag. Hanging front of everything. Check. Wouldn’t hurt to print out your online avatar square and slip it in there–I actually think that should be a requirement in the conference sign up…

    8. Oh, my gosh! I’m laughing so hard! Yes! I. Am. A. Hugger. And I can do that since I’m old enough to be your mom! LOL (Oh, BTW, guess who’s mom’s going to be speaking at Jennifer Rothschild’s Fresh Grounded Faith conference in my neck of the woods this year? Yes. Tim Tebow’s! haha But I digress…)

      I will ALWAYS remember your speech. You endeared yourself to me forever, Melissa. Just the right mix of fun, humor, and faith! Can’t go wrong there! (And I don’t remember the “C” word. Are you certain you said it? Lol)

      Funniest conference occurence? I have two. One was the whistler in the powder room stall next to mine. Seriously happy gal! The other awkward/giggly moment was when a super sweet young lady pitched her manuscript to me thinking I was an agent. Good practice and great pitch! 🙂

      And I want some kissing, too!!!!!

      1. Ooh, so are you going to go hear her speak…and are you going to give her a hug? 🙂

        Thanks for remembering the speech. It was fun to give. Oh, and “crap” came out at a different speech a couple years ago. Not my most profound or articulate moment, that’s for sure. 🙂

        I remember your whistler in the bathroom story! I love that someone pitched her book to you. Do you know which agent she mistook you for?

      2. I was wearing my Books and Such client ribbon… so…ummm… I’m not sure, but I think I closely resemble at least one of them. Lol! 🙂

        Trying to decide if I’ll get to go the Jennifer Rothschild conference this year…it always falls about the same time of my college homecoming. The last time I went, the Duggars were there and gave amazing testimonies and blessed us with a concert. If I do go this year, I’ll be sure and tell Tim’s mom you said “hi.” And then I’ll give her a huge hug!

      3. Haha, thank you! But if you do meet her, just don’t tell her I have a website, all right? I think I’ve done a few too many joking posts (albeit nice ones) about her son! 😀

    9. Be warned, Melissa. I’m so hugging you. Every time I see you. At Starbucks. 7:30AM Java Meet?!? 🙂

      Still tickled over our first meet. You stood at the doorway to the hotel restaurant and said something like, “You’re Raj, right? Someone told me you were looking for me?” Which I was. Sort of. Not really. But the end result was worth every last second of laughter-infused time at lunch we had, talking music and the merits of ordering off the kiddie menu. Downloaded two Coldplay songs that week, b/c of you. 🙂

      On advice, I’d say one thing: Don’t sit in the front row of a workshop when you’ve had only three hours of sleep, especially right after lunch. Drooling on the table while dozing off will get you attention. Yep, the kind that has someone screaming, “Hey, Drool Girl!” down the hall whenever they see you.” Not good.

      Happy Conference packing, all. And yes, I say bring that fourth pair of heels, just in case. Stuff ’em in your purse, laptop bag, or in your jacket pockets. When you get that “Ooooh. Love the clicks on you, girl!” compliment, you’ll smile and thank me. Or not. I’ll take the credit, either way. 😉

      To the anticipation of hugs. Lots of them,


      1. LOL, Raj your comment made me laugh about our first meeting because I remember being so confused while standing there in the doorway…somebody stopped me and said, “Are you Melissa Tagg? Someone was just looking for you.” And they said it and then your name so seriously that I was like, “Uh, do I know this person? Am I supposed to know her? Do I have lunch plans I’ve forgotten about?” Which really wouldn’t have been that out of the ordinary for me. Haha! But anyway, I have a feeling it’s the other person who was confused about who was looking for who but who cares because it was fun. Also, I just said “who” a crazy amount of times in that sentence.

        And YES for hugs every time we see each other! And I would be totally up for a 7:30 AM java meet. For real! I might even say “Hey Drool Girl” when I see you. 🙂

      2. Hey, who said the “Drool Girl” was I? That was just a story. Made up. Completely!

        See you at Starbucks. I’ll save you a spot in line, if you promise not to make fun of my super-healthy choice of java with a sinful topping of whip! I’m contradictory like that! 🙂 Makes for a constant inflow of writing material. And keeps the fans *all three of them,* hehe, guessing.

        See ya soon!

      3. HA, um, I was making an educated guess on the Drool Girl thing. But if you say it’s all made up, well then I believe you. Kind of. 🙂

        And yes I will see you Starbucks!! I won’t make fun of you drink choice as long as you don’t make fun of me for taking super long deliberating between a regular and nonfat pumpkin spice latte.

        AND I’m pretty sure you have more than three fans considering I’ve raved about your book to way more than three people. Haha!

    10. This post was fantastic! Last year was my first ACFW and I knew no one — but it was an amazing, and yes exhausting, weekend. I can’t wait for this year. And because I missed out on hugging last year, I may just have to give you one 🙂

      1. Thanks, Katherine! I am beyond excited about your Mr. Knightley book…so when I see you, in addition to a hug, I am probably going to gush and beg you to come be a guest on my blog when it releases. 🙂

    11. I love this! Be warned, people, I’m a hugger. And I usually lead with, “I’m totally going to give you a hug now.” Just so they’re prepared. LOL

      I also enjoying finding someone I know who knows someone I want to meet (unravel that sentence!) and then begging an introduction so I can fawn over them with embarrassing enthusiasm. Not that I did that last year, ahemKarenWitemeyerandBeckyWadeahem.

      Oh, and sleep is overrated. This year I think I’ll bring my French press so I can caffeinate from the moment I get out of bed. I think it will be needed.

      1. Haha, love the fair warning on the hug thing. I think we’ve established in this blog today that most are huggers so I probably just need to get over my need to analyze whether people actually want me to hug them or if I know them well enough to hug them or whether they’re more a side-hug or light-hug or full-on bear-hug kinda person. Haha!

        And I really don’t blame you for the embarrassing enthusiasm when meeting Karen Witemeyer and Becky Wade. I think they’re both amazing.

        As for sleep being overrated, high five to that. Um, last year my roommate made coffee for me in the morning. She was already one of my favorite people ever but that like bumped her to the top of my “most amazing people in the universe” list. 🙂

    12. I totally get the “Hey Holy Crap Girl”. I won an iPad a few years ago, and I still have people at the conference calling me iPad girl! Of course, at this point they’re people who have known me for a long time and they’re still jealous. It’s OK. I can take it. 😉

    13. My name is Angie and I am a hugger. A compulsive one. In fact, I meet people and hug them right after, “Nice to meet you.” Yes, I am one of those.

      So if you’re not a hugger and you see me coming at you with my arms open wide, just take a step back. I’ll take the hint. Probably.

    14. What fun you all have here, Melissa. Love this post – even if it isn’t something I need to be concerned with. 😉 Your humor is awesome.

      Totally know what you are saying about the awkward first-meeting stage. It can be weird. Fortunately, we all live through it and really in order to form long-lasting relationships, one has to endure those awkward meetings, right?! 😉

      …and Rel, you will do just fine! Cannot wait to hear all about your trip. 🙂

      1. Glad you enjoyed the post, Rissi! I had to laugh when I re-read it on Wednesday. I actually wrote it Tuesday morning after getting about three and a half hours of sleep the night before. I think my sleepiness is evident in the randomness of the post. HA…and yeah, I love meeting people in person at conferences after kinda-sorta knowing each other online. 🙂

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