Saying goodbye novelist-style with a side of Jim Henson

I said goodbye to Georgia and Case* this weekend.

I mean it. I literally held an inch-and-a-half stack of papers in front of my face and said, “bye.”
Then I looked around to see if anyone heard. And sniffled.
Fitting, really, that I called Tuesdays “done” almost exactly one year after attending my first MBT retreat, where the story was born. It’s definitely been a year of ups writing-wise: from that first retreat to a week-long stay in a cabin last autumn (thanks to my wonderful parents!) where I churned out the first draft of Tuesdays to two more rockin’ sweet MBT retreats to finaling in a couple contests (and winning one!) and attending my first-ever ACFW conference. Lots of writing bliss** all around.
But Saturday, ahh, that was a bittersweet day. ‘Cause I love these characters and their world. I love their mishaps and little mysteries. I loved my mixed role as master of their universe-slash-creator constantly surprised by the actions of her creations.***
Perhaps my attachment issues are the reason I’ve decided novel two is going to have loose (or maybe not so loose) ties to Tuesdays! A couple secondary characters tugged at my heart all throughout the writing of this book, so I’m bringing ’em back and handing them the mic.  It’s not a “sequel” per se in that it doesn’t complete my original story line. Georgia and Case and mostly naked, all dead Cully**** have had their day. This second novel is connected, but could be read as a stand-alone. Much like Rachel Hauck’s Sweet Caroline and Love Starts with Elle. Both of which rock, by the way.
And, to make this whole thing interesting, I’ve just this evening been coaxed into participating in NaNoWriMo. Don’t know what that is? Think it sounds like a Sound of Music song gone wrong? The basic gist is this: lots of writers (wackos) commit to writing 50,000 words in one month. I said I wasn’t going to do it, but I also once said I’d never, ever replace the pillow I’ve slept with my whole life. And, well, let’s just say these days I’m sleeping on a new pillow of perfect feather cushiony-ness.*****
So, that’s the writing update. And I think my superscript stars are getting a bit too elongated, so it’s probably about time to wrap up tonight’s edition of Tag(g)lines. Until next time, in the spirit of saying goodbye to Georgia and Case, I leave you with this video of the Muppets singing “Saying Goodbye.” I used to play this song on the piano and sing it with my sis. Tugs at your heart, especially when Piggy leaves Kermit standing at the train station with her handkerchief…

*Georgia and Case are fictional characters in my manuscript tentatively titled Tuesdays with Cully. If I ever meet a real life Case, I will get down on one knee and propose. 
**Bliss! This reminds me: fellow MBT Ponderer Jenness Walker and her friend Tracy Bowen just released a new book called Bliss. It’s on my TBRead pile…hopefully it’s on yours, too!
***I’m not quite sure non-writers believe this phenomenon, but it’s for real, people. 
****You’re just going to have to read the book!
*****If you’re a lifelong friend and you’re reading this thinking, “Melissa has changed. I don’t even know her anymore. She seriously replaced her paper thin, decades-old pillow that needs three other pillows under it to even feel halfway pillowish?” well, don’t fret too much. I do, after all, have a flannel pillowcase on the new one. See, some things just don’t change…comforting, I know.

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