Guest post and giveaway from author Wesley Banks

Today I’m thrilled to welcome fellow author Wesley Banks to the blog! He’s the author of Hope in Every Raindrop and his latest release, Faith in Every Footstep. He gets extra cool points in my book since he’s a fellow fan of my favorite band, Needtobreathe. He’s here today with a poignant post and a giveaway. 


I recently published my latest novel, Faith In Every Footstep, and while there may be themes of faith throughout the book, it’s not necessarily a book about faith, at least not in the traditional sense. And that got me thinking, what does faith really mean anymore?

faith-in-every-footstep-287x460Before I go any farther, I want you to know that I just deleted a thousand word rant about the weak and compromising state of faith that I intended this article to be about. It’s not that I didn’t believe what I wrote, but instead of a thousand word article about what faith isn’t, I’m going to use less than a hundred words to tell you what faith is.

Here we go…

Faith is rugged. It’s tough. It’s that little boy or girl in all of us that stands at the precipice of uncertainty, and in light of the multitude of dangers surrounded by darkness only a few feet away, still finds the resolve to take a single step in the right direction.

It is the persistent hope in those things unseen. And while it may not make things easy, it makes them possible.

That is what I have come to find faith to mean. But the real question is, what does it mean to you?

dfe261e9bd90a1bf9c418ed2901beb55Wesley Banks is the author of Hope In Every Raindrop, and most recently its prequel, Faith In Every Footstep. He writes about faith, hope, and love through the eyes of a fictional rare breed of dogs known as Carolina grays. His latest work has been most likened to Jack London meets Nicholas Sparks. Catch up with him and what he’s working on at

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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    Comments 13

    1. Faith is the belief that every situation will be resolved to my good. I know that God wants what is best for me so I rely on that knowledge to smash worry and fears.

    2. When I think about faith, I always remember the wise words of my former pastor…faith is not preparing for what you are going to do in case God doesn’t move. Rather, faith is just trusting and believing that God will move.

    3. I know faith is trusting God–and His character–solidly, no matter what. But just today (while agonizing over something and repeating the same prayers over and over) I realized that my faith is in proportion to how close the situation is to me or my loved ones. I have plenty of solid faith in God’s love & His answering my prayers for others in my life or outside my life. But when it’s something or someone deep and dear to my heart, I have to constantly battle doubt and worry and fear. It seems that my faith is so weak and vulnerable. I wonder how Abraham and so many others believed God so completely, especially in impossible situations. It’s a tough battle for me at times…

    4. Wesley, I love your view of faith. I struggle so much in this area. For me faith is trusting in the goodness of God. It is also choosing to believe what He says.

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