A weekend verse and what’s coming up around here

A lot of people think my favorite guy in the world is Tim Tebow. They’re wrong.
My favorite guy is obviously my nephew Ollie!!* And that’s who I’m hanging out with this weekend. It’s also why I don’t have a “real” blog post prepared for today.
BUT I did read this sweet verse earlier this week. It’s just one of those, “Man, yay for a cool God” kind of verses. So I thought I’d share:

“I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.” ~ Isaiah 48:17

I love it. We’re not on our own in this life thing. Hope it encourages you as much as it encouraged me!

Other notes:
Guess what! I’ve got a website redesign in the works. That’s fun stuff, yeah? It’ll be all ready by the time Made to Last hits bookstores…and hopefully your bookshelves. 😉
In the meantime, I’m playing around with my schedule just a wee bit in August. (Sometimes I like to pretend I’m Scottish.)
I’ll still be posting each M-W-F.** But on Wednesdays, instead of our usual guest posts, I’ll be doing a few fun book-related things. And probably some other random stuff. Because we like to keep it random around these here parts. Which I realize goes against all the expert blogger rules about being consistent and focused and all that. What can I say? Sometimes I like to play maverick. (I blame it on those couple interviews I did with John McCain back in my reporting days.)
So I hope you’ll bear with me as I switch things up for a little while. And have a fabulous weekend!
Any fun plans for the weekend? ***
*Well, he’s tied with my dad.
**Unless unforeseen circumstances arise. I mean, there IS always the possibility of me up and flying to England to beg Coldplay to hurry up on their next album.
*** I plan to spend all my time making Ollie laugh, shopping and taking walks and talking with my sister and trying not to lose too badly to my bro-in-law at NBA 2K13 on the Wii. 
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    Comments 8

    1. Love that verse.
      Love that your spending time with Ollie and family — and that I can see where you are because of my very special time with them.
      Love your maverick ways!

    2. Love that verse from Isaiah!
      Have fun with Ollie! What am I doing? Ahhh. Well, let’s see…office re-do stuff (still), cleaning house, probably a little laundry. Tonight we have a special birthday party for a dear niece. (Fun AND cake!)

    3. Great verse! My big plans are to complete the Color Run 5k this weekend and be covered with as much color as possible by the end of it. Other than that. Sleep.

    4. Have fun with Ollie this weekend!! I think we’re going to head out to Lake Alec (where my in-law’s live and where we ate lunch that one afternoon) for a festival. There will be pony rides, face painting, a bouncy house and fireworks over the lake! Sounds fun. 🙂

    5. Busy, busy here. My daughter has completed a program at church and has a “crowning” ceremony on Sunday night. This should be interesting, because she has to wear a white dress and get up on stage, two things she strongly dislikes! She does have a dress, but I do not, so there’s shopping for that. Plus, she has to put together a table for the reception showing her personal interests, and we haven’t even started on that!

      Hope your weekend is a wee bit more relaxing than mine will be!

    6. Aw, have fun!!!

      And yay for the yay God verse!

      My weekend is crazy. I’ve got a baby shower I’m helping to throw, cleaning my house for a guest next week, and trying to revise several chapters of my book. Oh, and grading papers for my online class. 😛

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