Meet author Alicia Willis and enter to win her new book!

Today I’m so pleased to have a special guest on the blog! I’ve never met Alicia Willis in person but from emails and online interaction, I can tell you she’s super sweet with a super talent for historical fiction. Her fifth book, From the Dark to the Dawn: A Tale of Ancient Rome, released just last week.

She’s not only hanging out on the blog answering questions today, but has also generously offered to give away an ebook copy of her new book! So check out the Q&A and then be sure to enter the giveaway below. Thanks so much for being here today, Alicia!


1) First of all, we all want to know what your new book is about. 🙂 What’s it about and what inspired it?

DSC_3212Describing a 120,000 word book in a few sentences is never easy. But here is my go at it:

In the dark turbulence of ancient Rome, a rebellious Iceni captive meets his match in his Roman master. When Christianity enters the picture, the clash of race and rank is intensified as Philip seeks to win his master Marcus to the Lord and survive the terrors of persecution under Nero. A tale of faith, persecution, redemption, and romance.

Phew, I think I did it. You can find the longer synopsis on Goodreads! All glory be to God, From the Dark to the Dawn was a finalist in the 2014 CrossBooks/LifeWay Manuscript Contest and has been endorsed by popular author Douglas Bond and Christian actor Josiah Jost.

As for what inspired From the Dark to the Dawn, I would have to say that it was a combination of my fascination for ancient Rome, my Christian worldview, and my realization of the similarities between our modern USA and ancient Rome. I wanted to weave a tale that would show how life might have been for an Iceni-captive-turned-Christian in such a way that modern believers will be inspired in their own faith.

2) Can you describe your writing style–or if it’s easier, this particular book–in five words? 3D-Book-Template


According to my beta readers and endorsers… Gritty. Inspiring. God-glorifying. Touching. Entertaining.

3) What was the hardest part of writing this book? How about the easiest?

The hardest parts were when I drew from my own life experiences and wove difficult situations into the lives of my characters. I wanted From the Dark to the Dawn to be very real when it concerned the human soul. So I added some of my own prayers and struggles, which wasn’t easy.

The easiest places were the action scenes! A certain runaway chariot and bathhouse brawl were really fun….

4) Can you tell us a little about you outside writing? Hobbies, goals, anything you’d like. 🙂


I am a church pianist and Sunday School teacher. I also teach music, play volleyball, crochet, sing, and am something of a coffee connoisseur (something many of us authors have in common!). I love dogs, my family (I’m the oldest of eight kids), and am preparing to be in full time Christian ministry by getting my three-year degree in Biblical history and theology. So, yes, with piling writing and historical research on top of that, I am very busy! 🙂

5) And a few lightning round questions:


-If you could, would you rather relive one day in your past or get to live one day in your future ahead of time? Future.

-Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate. What a question! 🙂

-Early riser or night owl? Night owl.

-Mountains or beach? Mountains.

-City or country? Country.

Thank you for having me here today!

Watch the book trailer for From the Dark to the Dawn:

Giveaway Time!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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    Comments 10

    1. What a terrific set-up! I enjoyed reading about your writing process–which parts are hard to write and which ones are easier. Blessings to you!

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